Formally established, the foundation will focus on three main areas: study and research, enterprise and innovation, and education and culture

Birth of the Economy of Francesco Foundation

Wednesday, Sept. 25 meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican

ASSISI – (Italy) – “To promote and organize initiatives and activities in the cultural and spiritual sphere, scientific research, interdisciplinary training, enterprise and innovation; to foster awareness and responsibility for an economic and entrepreneurial life under the aspect of integral human development; to encourage cultural, academic, publishing and entrepreneurial experiences and paths.” These are the objectives of the new Economy of Francesco Foundation, which was formally established in the afternoon of Sept. 23, 2024.

The Foundation, which conforms to the juridical structure of the Participatory Foundation, is constituted by the Diocese of Assisi – Nocera Umbra – Gualdo Tadino, the International Association for an Economy of Communion and the Seraphic Institute for the Deaf and Blind of Assisi, under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Father.

In a letter dated Dec. 5, 2023, Pope Francis entrusted to the Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, and the members of the EoF Committee, Luigino Bruni and Francesca Di Maolo, the task of guarding the “process that has been started, going on to define the new organizational structure that will act as a center of coordination and animation of all that the Economy of Francesco is already experiences in businesses, in universities, in the world,” with the support of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

After several months of work, listening and discernment, on Monday, September 23, the Foundation’s official charter was signed in the presence of the three founders who will meet Pope Francis tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25. Among the audience, beside the founders, will be a group of supporters, experts and young people of more than thirty nationalities, who are involved in the different organs of the Foundation and who compose the Participatory Assembly, which is the main body of the Foundation that is already at work to determine the activity plan and objectives.

“With the formal establishment of the Economy of Francesco, we enter the heart of a journey that has never stopped. From today, the young people of EoF,” said the Bishop of Assisi and President of the Foundation, “are officially the protagonists of this journey, which seeks to reach universities, businesses, and the world of cooperatives, so that the dominant economic culture gives way to a new way of thinking that puts at the center the person, his or her charisms, the environment, and the territory, rather than mere profit. It is now clear to everyone that the care and active participation of workers and the management of the common home are elements that even entrepreneurs cannot ignore. EoF’s mission,” adds the president, “is to make people understand and spread a different way of thinking about the economy, one that embraces the values of proximity, circularity, subsidiarity, ethics, fraternity and justice. The Vice President of the Foundation, Luigino Bruni, also expressed his satisfaction with the new Foundation. “We are very pleased to be able to offer our concrete and subsidiary contribution to the young people who have responded to the call of Pope Francis, and to support with the ‘dreams’ of adults the ‘visions’ of young people” (Prophet Joel). Today, more than 5 years after the creation of EoF, there is a need for a second generation of young economists who will continue the march towards a new economy, alongside the young people who are already running: the Foundation is a concrete help for this”.

“We are honored to have been called to oversee the process initiated by the Pope with the ‘Economy of Francesco,’” said Seraphic Institute President Di Maolo, “and it is with emotion and hope that today, with the birth of the Eof Foundation, we kick off a new journey, a fundamental step in building an economy capable of putting at the center human dignity, the most fragile, and the care of creation. As promoters of this project,” she added, ”we commit ourselves right away to supporting an inclusive, just and sustainable economy that can truly welcome and defend life in all its forms. The birth of this Foundation is a sign of hope for real change that, starting from the youngest, no longer excludes anyone and can take care of creation and the health of all.”

It was 2019 when Pope Francis called the world’s young economists, entrepreneurs as well as change makers to initiate a process of change to ‘re-animate’ the economy. Since then, numerous initiatives have marked the EoF movement of thought and practice, involving thousands of young people around the world committed to witnessing and promoting an earth-friendly economy, an economy of peace, an economy of life. Hundreds of conferences, dozens of publications, more than 50 research projects, 10 summer schools around the world, dozens of startups, 12 thematic villages, and about 50 local hubs. In 2022, the in-person event in Assisi and the Pact with Pope Francis.

In light of the ideals enshrined in the Covenant, the foundation will focus on three main areas: study and research; enterprise and innovation; and education and culture.

In the afternoon of September 25 at 6 p.m., the V EoF Global Gathering will be live-streamed on the EoF YouTube channel. During the traditional annual update and sharing event, it will also be possible to listen to Pope Francis’ message to the youth.

September 24, 2024