There is a space between scientific research and divulgation. The EoF ProView wants to occupy that space. Through the publication of articles, the EoF ProView aims at disseminating knowledge related to The Economy of Francesco. As the name suggests, the focus is on the research of today that has a look to the future.
Alternative economic models as (theological) signs of the times
The prevalence of capitalism in today’s global economy underscores the necessity for alternative economic paradigms, driven by concerns over the dominance of profit maximization and extraction within autonomous and free markets.
Beyond the Icon, Beyond the Human: An Ecocritical Reading of Francis of Assisi across Irish and British Poetry (1960s-2010s)
This paper explores the presence of Francis of Assisi across Irish and British literature from the 1960s to the 2010s, through the study of a poetic trajectory centring on a popular episode in his hagiography known as ‘the preaching to the birds’.
Marketing Communication-Actions for Commons Care
In a societal context where companies are expected to address wicked problems, this article advocates for advancing marketing communication-actions to promote Commons care grounded in the Circular Subsidiarity and, more broadly, the Civil Economy paradigm.
At Rio’s G20 Social Summit, the Promise of a New World Economy
Fighting hunger and poverty is not just a moral imperative; it is also an economically sound measure. By overcoming poverty, individuals can contribute productively to their country’s development, boosting economic productivity and including marginalized populations in society and the consumer market.
Superare la tensione tra profitto e scopo: un Framework Integrato tra Economia Aziendale, Economia Civile e Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa
L’articolo affronta la tensione tra profitto e scopo delle imprese, proponendo un framework integrato tra Economia Aziendale, Economia Civile e Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa.
Measuring the ecological transformation of the Catholic Church
The question guiding this analysis is: Is it possible to measure the ecological transformation of the Catholic Church?
EoF Proview, a column between the already and the not yet. An open space. Everyone interested in The Economy of Francesco can propose an article for the EoF ProView. [email protected]
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