The world is already changing with EoF

Could you believe how much was seeded after Pope Francis’s message in Assisi!? Many seeds were spread around the world! So get ready to continue with a harvest that will take us to all corners of the globe: South America, Africa, Europe and more! Let’s find out!
Eduardo Brasileiro. Realmar a economia para nós – após esses anos de organização, escuta e mobilização em torno do chamado do Papa Francisco – está em passar da cabeça para coração da economia:
E, assim questionar: Por que as pessoas sofrem pelo sistema econômico dominante? O que temos a ver com as desigualdades que se espalham por aí? É nessa travessia de alimentação mútua entre razão que analisa, constata e articula saberes e coração/alma que pensa, sente e vibra que nos colocamos numa travessia sentipensante a gênese do realmar a economia. O círculo virtuoso concretiza-se por unir práticas, incidências e articulações ao fomento de organizações populares e quando dizemos popular se diz o povo como protagonista. Por isso, a Economia de Francisco e Clara se ampara em uma dupla necessidade, a primeira de articular e fortalecer práticas, discursos e saberes das comunidades e a segunda em investir em uma outra plataforma de infraestrutura ecológica e participativa, firmado em um ambientalismo popular e no fomento de economias populares.
Criselle. The Forest, Farm, and Leadership in the Margins Unit (FFLM) is a program of the Apu Palamguwan Cultural Education Center, a Jesuit-supported Indigenous School in the Upper Pulangi watershed, Mindanao, Philippines. The unit operates within the ancestral domain of the Pulangiyēn who are known for their culture of peace. FFLM accompanies youth enhancing their technical and leadership skills through courses on organic farming, masonry and carpentry, forest and water management of over 20 hectares, and bamboo processing, and enterprise development. This is in line with the goals of the Agriculture and Justice’s village of EOF in creating an alliance on agricultural practices based on harmonious relationships with indigenous peoples.The unit was formed in 2019 as a way to establish a structural organization and management, but the youth trainings have been occurring for over 10 years already. How has the initiative grown? Through FFLM, the youth contribute to the management of the ancestral domain, and seek to communicate broadly why they think their voices as Indigenous youth need to be heard. Despite the many challenges – especially the volatile peace and order situation in the uplands – valuable opportunities are opening up for the youth through FFLM.
Daniele Montesi. Ciao, sono Daniele Montesi, e vi racconto l’inizio di una storia che è ancora alle prime battute, quella di Tunehey: la prima piattaforma per regalare musica in streaming. E allora devo parlarvi di… Economy of Francesco! Da Ingegnere Gestionale, infatti, ho partecipato al villaggio Management & Gift, ed è lì che mi sono appassionato al tema della gratuità. Durante il percorso, ho poi scoperto da San Francesco che l’economia dei sentimenti è il motore primo dei veri cambiamenti, e proprio dalla voglia di tutti i giovani come me di cambiare il mondo, ho preso coraggio per cambiare il mio, che, nel lavoro che avevo, sentivo di non puntare in alto e… non ero felice. Gratuità. Ascoltare i sentimenti. Ricevere energia dagli altri. Cambiare per il meglio. E l’amore per la musica.

Questi sono gli ingredienti che mi hanno portato a fondare Tunehey nel 2022, dopo aver lasciato il mio lavoro. Con il bel team che ci crede insieme a me, vogliamo far tornare la musica un regalo attraente, liberando appieno il suo potenziale relazionale e valorizzandolo anche economicamente per dare un equo compenso agli artisti. Nei prossimi mesi cercheremo di validare il mercato in Italia. Restate aggiornati nei vari social di Tunehey, e sostenete la nostra, e anche vostra rivoluzione.
Maria Elena Moreno. Hola a todos, mi nombre es María Elena Moreno. La iniciativa que presentaré está conectada con la temática de la aldea CO2 de las desigualdades. Esta iniciativa nace a partir de un grupo de académicos(as) de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Empresa de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (Chile) quienes tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar un asentamiento humano de migrantes, lo que en Chile se conoce como “campamento”, el cual está ubicado en la ciudad de Santiago. En dicho encuentro, enmarcado en una actividad solidaria apoyada por la Pastoral Universitaria, a partir del diálogo horizontal y fraternal con las mujeres dirigentes de la comunidad, nace un deseo de dar respuesta, como institución de educación superior, a las necesidades que nos fueron planteando. Es así como surge un programa de formación en las temáticas Alfabetización digital y Emprendimiento, cuya finalidad es acercar la tecnología a los habitantes para facilitar el acceso a trámites en línea y acercar el mercado a aquellos con espíritu emprendedor. Para su desarrollo contamos con el apoyo de la Corporación Dolores Sopeña, institución puente entre la Universidad y la comunidad. Su implementación inició en agosto de este año y actualmente está en desarrollo. Consideramos relevante también la participación de estudiantes ya que esto tributa a su formación integral ya que utilizan los 3 lenguajes: la mente, el corazón y las manos. Muchas gracias por su atención.

Perla. In the heart of Lebanon, where agricultural traditions have thrived for centuries. Two ground-breaking initiatives aimed at the country’s farming practices. Dr. Myrna semaan haber’s vision was clear and she held this work through the Friends of Nature organization that I work with: to harness the economic, ecological, and social benefits of Agroforestry and ensure that these practices become an integral part of Lebanon’s agricultural landscape. A question was raised: How can Lebanon’s farmers improve their agricultural practices while preserving the environment? The first initiative was to train nine professors to teach agroforestry, and to include such curriculum in nine Lebanese universities the second initiative was «Agroforestry Systems Are Fundamental to Support Sustainable Production with Higher Yield and Lower Cost,»
the aim was on teaching more than 300 farmers throughout Lebanon providing them with the knowledge and expertise they need to apply agroforestry practices to their farmlands. By introducing agroforestry into education, training farmers, and fostering community collaboration, these initiatives have created a pathway towards a more sustainable, prosperous, and environmentally conscious future for Lebanese agriculture. Through dedication and innovative approaches, Dr. Haber and Friends of Nature have set a shining example for agricultural transformation in Lebanon and beyond.
Luca De Carolis and Valentina Alarcon. What a great journey! You have made us travel not only all over the world but also by sharing your lives, villages’ themes and vocations.
Today we have seen wonderful projects, but we know that our EOF community is so much more and that’s why we want to invite our audience to continue exploring the initiatives after the event. What a great time, and how much we were able to learn, and explore, discover and be amazed by their cultural diversity, and wealth of experiences, dreams and challenges. We have seen how their initiatives started, how they grew and the fruits they generated. Thank you to those who have participated today and to everyone who has collaborated in the Harvest team. From the hubs & territories. For those who tune in today for the first time and all of you: be attentive to our official channels. After the event, we will make zoom calls to meet with the protagonists and to learn from one another. We are looking forward to meeting again!