Season of Creation (Sep 1 – Oct 4): A season for undertaking prophetic actions
Every year, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is observed on September 1st. The international celebration marks the beginning of the Season of Creation, which extends to October 4th, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. For the 2020 Season of Creation, the suggested topic is “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope” and it is a time to consider the integral relationship between rest for the Earth and ecological, economic, social, and political ways of living. This specific year, the need for just and sustainable systems has been revealed by the far-reaching effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
“It is also a season to reflect on our lifestyles, and how our daily decisions about food, consumption, transportation, use of water, energy and many other material goods, can often be thoughtless and harmful – from the message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Too many of us act like tyrants with regard to creation. Let us make an effort to change and to adopt more simple and respectful lifestyles! Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and move, quickly and decisively, towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy. Let us also learn to listen to indigenous peoples, whose age-old wisdom can teach us how to live in a better relationship with the environment.
This is also a season for undertaking prophetic actions. Many young people all over the world are making their voices heard and calling for courageous decisions. They feel let down by too many unfulfilled promises, by commitments made and then ignored for selfish interests or out of expediency. The young remind us that the earth is not a possession to be squandered, but an inheritance to be handed down. They remind us that hope for tomorrow is not a noble sentiment, but a task calling for concrete actions here and now. We owe them real answers, not empty words, actions not illusions”.

Creative ways to generate impact is the concert Live and fireside chat presented by Nyado to contribute to the inspiring initiative and community of The ECONOMY of FRANCESCO: an online event for the global communities of young changemakers and beyond!

Kenyan artists singers-songwriters Phy and Chemutai Sage, along with NYADO’s co-founders, artists and producers Edoardo Segato-Figueroa and Idan Abrahamson, will perform a live concert with original music and covers as well as holding an open fireside chat / Q&A on how to use creativity and entertainment to generate positive change and measurable impact in the world.
“Sometimes the problems of our modern world – say the organizers – seem too big to be faced, let aside solved. But what if arts and creativity were actually the strongest tools we had to shift the equation, open up the challenge to more and more people and overcome them together?
Connect on Sunday 6th September at 6 PM CET to find out, take part in NYADO’s concert and to engage in the conversation about our future!”