Opening of the event
Listen to the cry of the poorest to transform the earth – Video message from the youth of the ATD Fourth World Movement
Remarks by Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Greetings from the Organizing Committee
Links up around the world
Face to face with Francis
EoF conferences
Young economists and entrepreneurs in dialogue with international speakers
Perfecting Joy: three proposals to let life flourish with J. Sachs, I. Schnyder von Wartensee and S. Bartolini
Young economists and entrepreneurs in dialogue with international speakers
Peace economics and industrial reconversion: a recovery plan for the world with R. Caruso, C. Cardenas and and S. Snyder
Young economists and entrepreneurs in dialogue with international speakers
- Artificial Intelligence: how to address socio-economic inequality? with P. Benanti
- The new global paradigm and a new development model: the role of forest with A. Baldassarre
EoF conferences
Young economists and entrepreneurs in dialogue with international speakers
Business models for a human economy: three experiences with J. M. Sinde, P. Tarak and M. E. González
Young economists and entrepreneurs in dialogue with international speakers
Experiences in ecological and social transition communities with C. Renouard
Face to face with Francis
Theatrical Piece
The Return of the Little Prince by Paul Gateshill and Sarah Finch