We thank our partners for their contributions in support of the process The ECONOMY of FRANCESCO

Do you wish to support the process?

If you wish to contribute too, write an email to [email protected] and you will be contacted by our staff,
who will show you the procedure for donation.

AlmaLaurea Srl

Job Agency of the AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium, gathering 76 Universities and representing about 91% of Italian graduates.

It operates under authorization of the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies notably as intermediary in the field of personnel recruitment. AlmaLaurea SRL, designs and provides innovative services to facilitate the entry into the labour market of graduates and undergraduates. The services provided to the business world and the higher education system are designed and offered in priority to graduates and in synergy with Universities and the competent public bodies.

“Our main mission is to enhance the human capital of young people.

By supporting the Economy of Francesco project, AlmaLaurea wishes to encourage women’s participation , devoting the funding to those women coming from developing countries with serious social tensions. In effect, the current climate and environmental emergency as well as the technological innovation in rapid and constant evolution, requires thinking in new organizational models centered on individuals and the uniqueness of their talent. In this context, ethics and sustainability become key concepts that are met through encounters with the other, in order to define a new paradigm of competitiveness and cohesion.”


Associazione Maria Madre della Provvidenza (AMMP)

The AMMP Project, adottaunoperabuona.it sustain “The Economy of Francesco”

During the months of June and July 2019 the AMMP association organized a painting and sculpture exhibition called TRANSITI for charity purposes. The talented artists who have been asked to participate, are all recognized on a national and international level. All of them donated their artworks to AMMP; the association itself will then donate these artworks to the supporters accepting contributions starting from a minimum of €1.200.

Today, after this very positive experience, we have decided to improve and nourish the strong entanglement between art and generosity.

The AMMP initiative supported Participation Grants for young people from developing countries or who live in difficult situations at the conference “The Economy of Francesco”.

Since 2008 AMMP is a member of the Istituto Italiano della Donazione (IID, Italian Institute for Donation) in Milan. In Italy we give support to families and elderly people who face economic difficulties, providing basic food packages, paying rents and all household bills. In developing countries we also started distance adoption programs.

In Torino we are helping more than 3000 families and elderly people struggling because of the tough economic situation. This is our commitment and the strong value of the Artist’s participation. Their works of art are inspiration for freedom and hope.

AMMP’s core commitment is based on projects (national and international) who get more than 250 volunteers involved in tour different operational offices. Find out more about what is important for us and how to get involved.


Gruppo Banca Etica

The Banca Etica Group (Banca Etica, Etica SGR, Fondazione Finanza Etica, FundaciĂłn Finanzas Eticas, Cresud) is the only Italian company operating in the field of credit, asset management and the promotion of critical finance education according to the principles of ethical finance.

The Group participates to the Economy of Francesco, recognizing in the initiative wanted by the Holy Father a fundamental contribution for the protagonism of young people in the necessary change of finance and economy, tools that must return to the service of the reconstruction of that “common home” that is our Planet.

In preparation for the event, Fondazione Finanza Etica organized last February in Assisi a day of dialogue in the light of the “Laudato Sì”, bringing together economists, theologians, sociologists and social workers, whose reflections were the basis of a World CafĂ© open to over 150 participants in the event (the results are available here).

Following the health emergency caused by Covid-19, the Group enthusiastically embraced the courageous choice of the organizers to transform the event into a journey, collaborating in the work of the “Finance and Humanity” Village, accompanying young people in the reflection, promotion of messages, good practices and proposals to promote financial education and put finance and the economy at the service of social inclusion.

With a view to a critical education to finance, in October two webinars were proposed to all participants in the Village, dedicated respectively to the role of ethical finance in generating positive social and environmental impacts (also with reference to future challenges) and the role of engagement and critical shareholder base as tools to promote responsible behavior in listed companies.


Banca Mediolanum

Banca Mediolanum is one of the main players in the banking and asset management market in Italy and Europe, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1996. Its mission is to enhance the economic availability of Italian families by putting people at the center to meet the needs in the areas of banking services, welfare, savings, investment and protection.

Concretely, the Bank, inspired by the principles of the social doctrine of the Church for its operations, has been carrying out since 2009, through the instrument of relief loans in favor of non-bankable people, agreements with diocesan foundations operating in the territory and associated with the National Anti-usury Council John Paul II.

“We respond to the appeal of the Holy Father because we believe it is important to make our contribution to make the new generations aware that finance, in the process of global change that we are going through, must be at the service of the real economy so as not to leave anyone behind”.



E.ON is an international, privately owned energy supplier based in Essen, Germany with its more than 1.5 million kilometers of European energy network and more than 50 million customers. With a clear focus on two strong core businesses we aim to become the partner of choice for energy and customer solutions.

As Pope Francesco intended to initiate, together with young protagonists and qualified experts, a process of global change so that the economy of today and tomorrow could be more just, inclusive and sustainable, without leaving anyone behind, we reflected, once more, on our company’s purpose.

We are living in times of unprecedented and extremely rapid change – in society, industry and technology. Driven by the “fourth” industrial revolution, with all its ground-breaking innovations, and by our society’s desire for greater sustainability, the energy sector is transforming in line with the trends of decarbonization, decentralization, digitization and democratization. Moreover, this transformation will continue to be shaped by the increasing electrification of energy.

E.ON is the backbone of this ambitious project and is already focusing on providing solutions for the decarbonization of all sectors of the economy. The CEO of E.ON, Johannes Teyssen, recently said: “We are determined to fight climate change, improve people’s lives and create a future worth living.”


Fundraiserperpassione srl

Fundraiserperpassione® is a society created in 2009, the result of an evolution and professional maturity developed in over 10 years of experience and started under the name of “fundraiser in the street”.

It is active throughout Italy in providing support to non-profit organizations, public administrations and companies on fundraising, peopleraising, marketing, communication and philanthropy in general. It is formed by a group of professionals who share a great passion for nonprofit and the conviction that it plays a strategic role in the development of new welfare models in the service of our communities. The training activity and the accompaniment to operations make this team one of the most dynamic currently operating in Italy. We hold lectures and consultancies throughout Italy that allow us to learn from the nonprofit organizations we meet and to experiment new approaches.

Our main consulting activities are Fundraising start-up; Fundraising for complex networks; Peopleraising; Philanthropic intermediation; “your” business model; Coaching for fundraising.

“We work to promote the culture of gift as a lever for change in the communities in which we live. The themes of the civil economy and the common good are central to our actions and we believe that gift is a key element in redesigning the balance in our society”.


Gi Group

Gi Group is the first Italian multinational company in the labour market and one of the main realities in the world in services dedicated to the development of the labour market. It is active in the fields of temporary and professional staffing, research and selection, executive search training, outosurcing, outplacement and HR consulting. Thanks to its direct presence and strategic partnerships, today Gi Group is present in more than 50 countries in Europe, APAC, America and Africa. In 2019 it achieved a worldwide turnover of 2.6 billion Euros.


Habacus Srl

HABACUS is an innovative fintech start-up that operates in the domain of social impact finance. We aim at supporting academic and professional education in order to enhance human capital and generate innovation. We are the first certifier in Italy of students’ academic/school performance. We work in collaboration with the main public and private financial and educational institutions, both in Italy and abroad.

“Habacus supports the Economy of Francesco event because it believes that training, exchange and active participation of young people are fundamental assets for sustainable development and the creation of a more inclusive economy”.


Joule, la Scuola di Eni per l’Impresa

Una scuola nata per formare e sostenere nel proprio sviluppo chi vuole fare impresa, crescere e fare crescere I’Italia in maniera sostenibile, con l’obiettivo di incidere positivamente sui processi di transizione energetica ed economia circolare.


UBI Banca

UBI Banca is one of the leading commercial banks in Italy, with a market share of around 7%. Since 5 August 2020 UBI Banca has been part of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group.

The presence of UBI Banca and its subsidiaries is historically rooted in the most dynamic areas of the country, with over 1,500 counters and more than 19,500 employees.

UBI Banca is a predominantly retail institution, but also boasts a traditional activity in support of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as a private clientele that makes it one of the leading Italian operators in the segment.

The Group offers banking and financial services dedicated to households, businesses, local institutions and non-profit organizations, with the aim of creating sustainable economic value for all stakeholders.

Specifically, the Group, through its commercial division UBI ComunitĂ , dedicated to the world of the secular and religious Third Sector (https://www.ubibanca.com/Non_profit), aims to respond effectively to the specific needs of these realities, ensuring their sustainable growth through financial services and solutions.

“In light of the attention paid by the Group to the realities of the Third Sector, UBI Banca has chosen to be a Partner of the international online event The Economy of Francesco, which from 19 to 21 November 2020 will bring together thousands of young people from all over the world to begin a process of economic and social change at a global level”.


Adhere as a partner of voluntary collaboration 

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    APS VI.VA.
    Partecipazione e SolidarietĂ  onlus

    Progetto BO un Bagaglio di OpportunitĂ :Stiamo realizzando alla stazione ferroviaria di Assisi il deposito bagagli, noleggio di biciclette e bici officina, centro di nordic walking e di cittadinanza attiva per dare un’opportunitĂ  di integrazione socio-lavorativa a giovani con disagio mentale.

    “La nostra mission è essere corrente viva di partecipazione e solidarietĂ  nella certezza che i bisogni di ciascuno, messi in rete, si possono trasformare in opportunitĂ  reciproche di risposta e soluzione. Ci mettiamo a disposizione degli organizzatori con i nostri volontari e ragazzi.”






    Istituto per la Promozione, Protezione e Preservazione dell’origine dei prodotti agroalimentari e vitivinicoli Made in Italy

    L’Istituto promuove, protegge e preserva l’origine dei prodotti agroalimentari e vitivinicoli “Made in Italy”.

    “Abbiamo un progetto di Economia Circolare per il territorio umbro per permettere di rivitalizzare in termini di attribuzione del lavoro a piccoli centri abitati e a persone disabili.”


    His Way At Work (HWAW)

    We inspire and empower business leaders to transform their workplaces with God’s love.
    By building communities of leaders and sharing best practices we help them get clarity on Purpose, Mission and Values.
    We bring metrics, set goals and link it all with Human Development Programs for employees.

    “To have a group of HWAW young business leaders be exposed to the teachings of The Church on the way to see the Economy and the role of companies and business leaders in the evolution of humanity as they impact the people who works with them by caring for them, their families and communities.”


    AsociaciĂłn para el Desarrollo Social Empresario

    Somos un equipo multidisciplinado de profesionales que desde el año 1998 estamos enfocados a brindar servicios y soluciones sustentables a los diversos sectores que componen la sociedad.
    Es asĂ­ que, con la intensiĂłn de resaltar nuestros valores en pos del beneficio comĂşn, en 2006 fundamos ADSE.

    “Para contribuir en la promociĂłn de la economĂ­a regional sustentable, conjuntamente con una gestiĂłn empresarial sostenida en la responsabilidad social y la cultura del Dar”.



    Siamo un Ente del terzo settore dedicato alla economia circolare e ci ispiriamo totalmente alla seconda enciclica di papa Francesco.
    Il presidente è fondatore dell’Ucid Firenze (Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti)

    “PerchĂ© la nostra associazione promuove gli stessi principi, gli stessi valori e le stesse pratiche alla base dell’evento. PerchĂ© vorremmo farci portavoce di questo importante movimento mondiale”.



    Clear Purpose developed Clearing Purpose Framework a process to help leaders to structure thoughts with a clear purpose. It enables economic solutions for equality, rearrangement of resources and structures that make potentials grow and organizations change.

    “To make available and offer free online and present facilitation of the Clearing Purpose Framework process for all the present leaders. As a circular economy leadership accelerator, Clear Purpose, can provide methodology, network and enable investments for leadership vision implementation”.


    Ronzoni Group
    SocietĂ  tra Professionisti srl

    Dedichiamo il nostro tempo e il nostro sapere a preparare e accompagnare le imprese, le Organizzazioni e le Persone al nuovo millennio imprenditoriale fatto di progresso, competenze e valori.
    Ricerca e Studio applicati alla Consulenza per il Lavoro.
    Il nostro pay off è “Progress in Work”.

    “Crediamo fortemente nei valori che animano questo evento e siamo convinti che, in qualitĂ  di Consulenti per il Lavoro e per le Risorse Umane, abbiamo anche noi la responsabilitĂ  morale e sociale di portare questi valori all’interno delle aziende e sostenerle per fare impresa in un modo nuovo”.


    Stati Generali delle Donne

    Gli Stati Generali delle Donne sono un Forum divenuto interlocutore autorevole per le Istituzioni attive nell’ambito delle politiche del lavoro, dell’economia, della finanza, del femminile, dei diritti, della cultura, della scuola, della formazione, della pace, della qualitĂ  del vita, dello sviluppo.

    “Abbiamo elaborato un modello di economia al femminile che mette al centro le piccole realtĂ  locali e le imprese femminili che valorizzano le identitĂ  territoriali attente all’ambiente e al benessere di tutte e di tutti”.


    Sara Cirone Group SocietĂ  Benefit

    7 incontri Per il Bene Comune

    Sara Cirone Group Società Benefit ha promosso e organizzato un ciclo di sette seminari in sette diverse Diocesi della nostra Regione, invitando i giornali diocesani dell’Emilia-Romagna con capofila “Il Piccolo” di Faenza e le Amministrazioni locali a partecipare al progetto.

    “Voglio continuare nel lavoro di diffusione e collaborazione all’espansione del movimento “the Economy of Francesco” e la sua applicazione pratica nel mondo economico”.


    Africa Mission-Cooperazione e Sviluppo

    Sostenere lo sviluppo umano nei paesi piĂą poveri, attraverso la promozione della dignitĂ  della persona umana in tutti i suoi aspetti, realizzando interventi di supporto a realtĂ  locali e programmi di sviluppo in vari settori della vita sociale, sulla base dei principi dell’umanesimo cristiano.

    “Sentiamo nostra la sfida lanciata da Papa Francesco di avviare e sostenere, insieme ai giovani, e a tutti gli uomini di buona volontĂ : un processo di cambiamento globale affinchĂ© l’economia di oggi e di domani sia piĂą giusta, inclusiva e sostenibile, senza lasciare nessuno indietro”.


    Dra. Koncha Pinos
    Estudios Contemplativos

    I’m a neuroscienst working in the impact of the suffering on the brain, Im also PhD in International Politics, and my work is in Latinoamerica, doing research, universities programes and training for end the death economy, create social justice and awareness.

    “I’m working to create justice conditions through scientific and contemplative understanding, and I will love to learn, share and iniciate more work together to promote the Francesco Vision”.


    John Bailey
    Vestigo Partners

    Vestigo Partners works with entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers to navigate emerging issues presented by globalization and disruptive technologies.

    “We are in a unique moment that requires reflection and values-based discussions to help make economic structures, systems, and institutions work for more people, specifically those most marginalized”.


    FundaciĂłn Empresarios por Puebla

    Somos una InstituciĂłn de Beneficencia Privada que busca realizar acciones para dinamizar la economĂ­a local y lograr el beneficio de las comunidades poblanas.

    “The market is desirable to efficiently allocate resouces but is not enough to build a fair world; the role of business, the state and the civic society has to be redefined in a new dear for a common good economy. The thoughts of Francisco are enlighting; the lecturers are among the best in the World”.



    A sport social enterprise to unite resources of the communities to democratise accessibility of sport and physical activities to many in ASEAN region through Crowdsourcing to provide more infrastructures and provide sustainable sport solutions to achieve sustainable development goals.

    “To strongly highlight importance of youth in exploring the massively untapped potential of sport in being integrated to the mainstream economy to benefit the underrepresented groups in our society. Sport is recognised as a human right by UNESCO but unfortunately, many can’t access to it”.


    Educação para relações étnico-raciais

    Uma consultoria educacional para educadores e/ou organizações que queiram compreender a formação étnica do povo brasileiro, em suas 3 matrizes, além da relação com migrantes de diversas nacionalidades, para o combate ao racismo estrutural, fim do genocídio e etnocídio e fortalecimento dos D.Humanos.

    “Quero contribuir com a experiĂŞncia como educadora de jovens,mĂŁe de jovens,ativista de Direitos Humanos,vontade de partilhar saberes e aprender mais como colocar em prática a “economia de Francisco” em parceria. Meu trabalho tem foco nas relações raciais e isso Ă© a base para mudança estrutural global”.


    Tangaza University College

    Tangaza University College is a catholic institution that trains social entrepreneurs to design and implement sustainable businesses that solve social problems and create positive impacts. Over the last 10 years we have trained over 200 social entrepreneurs with impactful business.

    “Tangaza University College promotes social entrepreneurship and it is a leading catholic institution in training social entrepreneurs in Kenya. The event is a great opportunity to connect with other change-makers”.


    Opportunity International

    Opportunity International designs, delivers, and scales innovative financial solutions to empower families living in extreme poverty to transform their lives and communities via sustainable livelihoods and quality education.

    “To further Opportunity’s goal to help end extreme poverty, we regularly engage in thought-leadership discussions with innovators from many industries and backgrounds to address the needs of those on the farthest margins of society. The Economy of Francesco will propel those discussions”.


    Fideos Doña Dominga

    Emprendedores agroecolĂłgicos y docentes.Fundadores de Fábrica de pastas secas “Doña Dominga” (artesanal, agroecolĂłgica y local). MisiĂłn: potenciar una cadena productiva local de base agroecolĂłgica, donde participan agricultores, huerteros, molineros, fideeros y redes de consumidores conscientes.

    “Nos iluminĂł y lleno de esperanza la posibilidad de hacernos presentes en ese encuentro, intercambiar ideas, hacer conocer nuestro camino y conocer el de otros, ampliar nuestras reflexiones con la diversidad de miradas; hacer por nuestra casa comĂşn, sanos y nuevos modos de producir y vivir en ella”.


    FundaciĂłn NeotrĂłpica

    FundaciĂłn NeotrĂłpica promueve la concertaciĂłn y autogestiĂłn social para la conservaciĂłn y la distribuciĂłn justa y equitativa de los beneficios que generan los recursos naturales.

    35 years promoting sustainable use of natural resources through community-based approaches. We embrace, practice and teach the ideas of ecological economics, in line with the integral ecology approach. We collaborate with faith based organizations (CARITAS-REMAM) with dissemination of these ideas.

    “We would love to share our experience in applying the ecological economics-integral ecology approach to environmental conflicts in our areas of work and to learn from the experience of others, specially with younger people working on these areas”.


    Family Business Network (FBN)

    The Family Business Network is the world’s leading organization of business families.
    Founded in 1989 and based in Lausanne, FBN is a vibrant community bringing together 4,000 business families – encompassing 16,000 individuals of which 6,400 are Next Generation – through 750 annual events.

    ““We think in generations, not in quarters”
    With their inherent focus on long term success, business families are natural advocates for a more conscious capitalism as they seek to leave a positive legacy for generations to come”.


    CISL Scuola

    Organizzazione Sindacale aderente alla Confederazione CISL.
    CISL Scuola è il sindacato più rappresentativo del personale del mondo della scuola pubblica e privata.

    “Condividiamo i valori di riferimento del Economy of Francesco e li pratichiamo nella nostra quotidiana attivitĂ  sindacale”.


    UNIAPAC MĂ©xico

    ConfederaciĂłn USEM (UNIAPAC MĂ©xico) is a meeting place for Business Executives to promote the Christian Social Thought within the business world and the Society. For an Economy serving Mankind, the dignity of the human person and the Common Good. To transform business into a Noble Vocation.

    “To unite, guide and inspire business leaders so that, in the light of Christian Social Thought, they commit themselves to: Their personal formation, the transformation of their companies and their businesses’ environment and the contribution to the construction of a fairer and more humane society”.



    Siamo Bio.C, start up innovativa di Sospiro (Cremona).
    Siamo parte dell’economia per la Laudato Sii come auspicato dal Papa: dai rifiuti della raccolta differenziata otteniamo sacchi con maniglie per la pattumiera domestica e professionale.
    Produciamo sacchi al 100% biodegradabili e compostabili.

    “Per trovare amici per distribuire i prodotti dell’economia circolare ottenuti dai rifiuti e i sacchetti Bio-Compostabili, tramite associazioni, enti o altri che condividano i valori concreti della Laudato Sii”.
