– 8.30
Face to Face with Francesco
Paths in the footsteps of Saint Francis
12 EoF Villages (Check out the map) – 11.00
Agriculture and Justice – Monte Frumentario
Life and Life-Style – Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco
Vocation and Profit – Santuario della Spogliazione
Work and Care – Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco
Management and Gift – Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli
Finance and Humanity – Palazzo Monte Frumentario
Policies for Happiness – Archivio Vescovile San Rufino
Business and Peace – Pro Civitate Christiana – Cittadella di Assisi
Women for Economy – Basilica di Santa Chiara
Energy and Poverty – Palazzo del Comune
Businesses in Transition – Centro Pastorale Santa Maria degli Angeli
CO2 of Inequalities – Istituto Serafico
Conferences – 18.00
Young economists and entrepreneurs in dialogue with international speakers on the major topics of The Economy of Francesco
Gael Giraud – The Economy of Francesco: a new economy built by the youth
(CANCELLED) Sabina Alkire – Fighting poverty in all its forms: from measurement to policy
Francesco Sylos Labini – Meritocracy, evaluation, excellence: the case of universities and research
Vandana Shiva – Economy of Care, Economy of Giving. Reflecting on St Francis’ It is only in giving that we receive
Fr. Vilson Groh – Os caminhos para um novo pacto educativo e econĂ´mico: construindo pontes entre o centro e a periferiaÂ
Helen Alford – Universal Fraternity: An Idea that could Change the World
Stefano Zamagni – I pericoli, giĂ evidenti, della managerializzazione della societĂ . Quale è la strategia di contrasto?
Workshop sessions involve extensive interaction between workshop instructors and participants around an idea or hands-on experience of practice.
New Business Models for Human Flourishing and Ecological Regeneration
A new economic education for a new society
Stories of business for impact
Inspiring stories to transform our Economy into an Economy of Francesco (EoF) from the World’s four corners.
Practicing integral economy at Buen Vivir School to a Harmony with Nature
I Monti pietĂ e i Monti frumentari come proposta francescana al dramma dell’usura
If you’re a participant, please book your seat through the Whova app. Remember to choose a conference or a workshop.
From 21.00 organized tours: Basilica San Francesco and Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli