Support the community!

IMPORTANT – Crowdfunding campaign: as of 25 July 2024, the campaign to support the STEPS FOR PEACE – The Journey to Jerusalem project has started.
You can find all the information by CLICKING HERE.
Also to support STEPS FOR PEACE – The Journey to Jerusalem you can donate:

  • using your credit card here below. You can use the preset amounts or enter any type of amount by clicking on ‘Other’
  • by bank transfer with the bank details here below

REMEMBER always to specify the reason for the donation: ‘Steps for Peace’

The Economy of Francesco’s community of young people gathers economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers from all over the world. They come from very different backgrounds, sharing knowledge and experiences that have allowed them to question the current economic system, to propose a new one, with a soul, and that leaves no one behind.

The Economy of Francesco is a grassroots economy, a participatory economy that seeks to leave no one behind, so we would like all these young people to be protagonists of the process. From the Amazon to the Middle East, from Africa to the Caribbean, from Patagonia to the Fiji Islands, we can all build together the economy we so badly need for people, the planet and future generations. 

Your contribution will be important to support the various activities of this community. With the help, even small, of many, we can make a huge difference. For that, we need you.

For information or other contact:


Donation amount



IT 56 M08 8713 8281 0050 0011 3631



Comitato Organizzatore The Economy of Francesco