We welcome your interest in being part of a community that seeks to change the economy of the present and give a soul to the economy of the future. By completing this form you will be able to apply to be part of this community.


Young people, up to 35 years of age, engaged in the fields of:
• RESEARCH: Students and scholars in Economics and other related disciplines (Master’s students, PhD students, young researchers). Basic requirement: university degree.
• BUSINESS: entrepreneurs, managers with already started activities or defined projects that are under development.
• CHANGEMAKERS: Promoters of activities at the service of the common good and of a just, sustainable and inclusive economy.


    PART I: General Data

    1500/1500 chars

    Look at the themes here

    .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt files accepted; max size 512kb

    PART II: Category Form

    [group research clear_on_hide]

    Highest Degree Obtained

    Degree in progress

    Current job

    Structured abstract: Introduction - Theoretical framework - Methodology - Main findings

    2500/2500 chars

    500/500 chars

    Look through our COMMON COMMITMENT

    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars


    [group business clear_on_hide]

    [group company-networks clear_on_hide]


    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars

    Look through our COMMON COMMITMENT

    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars


    [group otherchangemakers clear_on_hide]

    [group cm-spec clear_on_hide]


    1000/1000 chars

    500/500 chars

    1000/1000 chars

    Look through our COMMON COMMITMENT

    500/500 chars

    500/500 chars


    I consent to the processing of my personal data for profiling purposes, to be included in 'The Economy of Francesco' community.
    I consent to subscribe the newsletter to receive updates about the community's activity.