Marzo 2022
Getting Tired of Gender Equality
There are many inequalities in the world. And, despite current events that seem to bring civilization back hundreds of years, societies are working to not let anyone behind. Or at least, benevolent people are pushing to create a better society. However, as preposterous as it sounds, there are inequalities that are not perceived as such from mostly conservative sides of society. One of them is gender inequality.
Cambiare il sistema si può: perché non iniziare dal primo settore dell’economia?
Occorre passare dalle singole buone pratiche a un cambiamento del sistema che coinvolga tutti gli attori della filiera agroalimentare, dal bracciante al consumatore finale.
Il giacinto d’acqua del Benin: veleno trasformato in oro verde
The Economy of Francesco in Africa: la pianta infestante dalla quale si produce compost è diventata una risorsa per l’agricoltura locale.
“The Highest Poverty”: how early Franciscan economic thought anticipated the debate on the paradox of malnutrition
How early Franciscan economic thought anticipated the debate on the paradox of malnutrition.