The Economy of Francesco is a global community of researchers, entrepreneurs, and changemakers from more than 100 countries from all over the world working to change today’s economy and to give a soul to the economy of tomorrow. Called by Pope Francis in 2019 and inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi, young people in the community come from different backgrounds and religions. Based on a spirit of fraternity, they are committed to various international projects and initiatives, such as the EoF Academy, the EoF School, the EoF Entrepreneurship program, the Summer School, the global events, the 12 thematic Villages, and more, and also at a local level through Hubs in different countries and regions.

VIDEO: The BEGINNING and who we are
VIDEO: The ACTIVITIES and what we do

After the initial letter of Pope Francis in 2019, the community has had four international events, including a 2022 event  in Assisi, where the Pact of The Economy of Francesco was signed alongside Pope Francis.

That is why I would like to meet you in Assisi: so that we can promote together, through a common “covenant”, a process of global change. One in which not only believers but all men and women of goodwill, beyond differences of creed and nationality, can participate, inspired by an ideal of fraternity attentive above all to the poor and excluded. I invite each of you to work for this covenant, committing yourselves individually and in groups to cultivate together the dream of a new humanism responsive to the expectations of men and women and to the plan of God.

Pope Francis

  • What is the EoF Foundation and why is it being created?

The establishment of a Foundation (not-for-profit organization) for the Economy of Francesco (EoF) emerged as a natural step, considering the community’s growth, and as the result of the listening and consultation process carried out with EoF members during 2023. EoF has transcended from being a one-time event, evolving into a continuous process of dialogue, reflection, and action. A Foundation offers a structured framework to channel the collective wisdom, commitments, and initiatives generated by EoF into a lasting force for change.

In December 2023, Pope Francis wrote a letter to Bishop Monsignor Domenico Sorrentino, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, and to Committee Members Luigino Bruni and Francesca Di Maolo, entrusting them with the task of continuing to guard The Economy of Francesco and defining the new organizational structure of coordination.

“Therefore, to respond to their desire to be protagonists of beneficial change, I now ask you for an additional effort.
Young people need a dynamic and agile coordination structure.”

Pope Francis

Following that letter, we have been working to create the EoF Foundation to foster the growth and activity of the EoF community. The EoF Foundation will be a participatory foundation with its roots in Assisi, with the purpose of better supporting those who are the true protagonists of EoF – young economists, entrepreneurs, and changemakers – in promoting a process of global economic change, inspired by the ideals and principles enshrined in the pact signed between Pope Francis and young people in Assisi on September 24, 2022.

The new structure will serve the growth and dynamics of the EoF Community. In particular, it will ensure better representation, access to funding, and new collaborations. The EoF Foundation will not only strengthen global cooperation within the EoF Community but also facilitate and promote local processes of listening and dialogue, ensuring the necessary diversity in this process of global economic change.

  • When will it be created?

The EoF Foundation, with legal headquarters in Assisi (Italy), will be legally established by September 2024.

  • What has been done so far?

  • How will the current EoF Community be represented in the Foundation?

The EoF Community will be represented in the EoF Foundation by a group of members serving as the Assembly of Representatives. The Assembly is the Foundation’s main body, where different EoF communities and members are represented. The EoF Foundation Assembly will ensure the representativeness of the EoF Community’s diversity as well as support and contribute to decisions and processes that are faithful to EoF’s mission.

The group, serving voluntarily for three years, has been proposed to the Organizing Committee by the staff based on criteria ensuring the representation of various EoF dynamics, such as researchers, entrepreneurs, and changemakers, along with cultural and gender diversity. Assembly members have active participation in recent and previous years. The criteria and invitation process involved reflection and discussion with different community members. Given that some of the most active members are now older than 35 years old, the group comprises a balance of junior and senior members to ensure a smooth transition and subsidiarity within the community.

If after reading this FAQ you have questions or any suggestions, please write to us at [email protected].

This information will be updated according to developments.

Updated in July 2024