EoF ProView

Hay un espacio entre la investigación científica y la divulgación. La EoF ProView quiere ocupar ese espacio. A través de la publicación de artículos, la EoF ProView pretende divulgar los conocimientos relacionados con The Economy of Francesco. Como su nombre indica, se centra en la investigación de hoy que tiene una mirada hacia el futuro.

“The Highest Poverty”: how early Franciscan economic thought anticipated the debate on the paradox of malnutrition

marzo 9th, 2022|Categories: Academy Proview, EOF ProView ES|

How early Franciscan economic thought anticipated the debate on the paradox of malnutrition.

#Ukraine. An economy with a soul must be grounded in peace

marzo 2nd, 2022|Categories: Contemporary Challenges, EOF ProView ES|

As editors of the Contemporary Challenges section of the EoF ProView, we envisioned starting this section with something more positive, but given the extraordinary situation facing Ukraine in the sad reality we live in these days, inevitably this brings us to adjust our plans.

Changing the system is possible: why not start first from the economic sector?

febrero 22nd, 2022|Categories: Contemporary Challenges, EOF ProView ES|

The vast agri-food chain is the leading economic sector in Italy in terms of revenues. But it is based on a system of exploitation that is unsustainable for humans and the environment. How can we reverse this trend, moving from good practices to a real transformation of the system?

The plant as a common good: lights and shadows of cooperation between legumes and bacteria

febrero 17th, 2022|Categories: EOF ProView ES, Miscellaneous|

The Economy of Francesco School is a global educational pathway that began in 2021 and is now in its second year. Re-thinking the science of economics is not an easy task; desiring to do it by 'listening to the plants', seems ambitious.

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