“Dear young people, let your ideas and dreams emerge and through them bring to the world, to the Church and to other young people, the prophecy and beauty of which you are capable. You are not the future: you are the present. Another present. The world needs your courage. Now.”
Pope Francis
After three years of life, work, waiting, projects, proposals, desire; after two years of a pandemic that could have stopped us but didn’t succeed; after the great pain that the world has had to face; here we are, eager to change the flow: in September we will be in Assisi all together to celebrate and spread The Economy of Francesco!
We want to meet with all the young people who have set out in these three years and involve other young economists, entrepreneurs and changemakers from around the world.
Let’s launch many #LivingEoF events on the way to Assisi 2022: let’s invite new friends and colleagues, let’s give life to a real explosion of initiatives, joy and enthusiasm, crowding our cities and leaving signs and evidence of a new economy.
Let’s go! The Pope is counting on each one of us. And the world needs our action!

We thank all those who have sent their request to participate at the Event.
We will son bring more details for the participants, as well as the program of the three journey event.