Agosto 2023
We are together building a world where nobody is left behind. Postcard from WYD Lisbon 2023
A primeira semana de agosto em Lisboa foi, sem dúvida, um tempo muito inspirador, transformador e renovador de esperança. Viver esta semana com a Economia de Francisco Portugal e com estes “companheiros” foi o culminar do trabalho dos últimos 2 anos.
Contributions from Hungary, where a new EoF Hub is setting up
Why and for whom do the bells ring at noon today? The Franciscan monk Csaba Böjte's mission for peace and the economy of peace unfurled the flag at the castle of Vajdahunyad, in the spirit of the southern bell.
Underutilization of skills in the knowledge economy
A research on skill inequalities within the labor market of peripheral countries that seeks to give voice to countries excluded from the dynamics of capital concentration in the “knowledge economy”.
Researching students’ awareness on Laudato Si’ in Nairobi County – Kenya
It is now nearly ten years since the release of the encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, on the care for our common home by Pope Francis on May 25, 2015 – yet the world is still experiencing serious threats due to unsustainable use of natural and environmental resources. In the Encyclical, Pope Francis decries that we human beings have mistreated the environment such that it now risks becoming a desolate waste.