Luglio 2023
IV EoF (((ON AIR))) Global Gathering
L’evento in streaming del 6 ottobre verrà trasmesso dal Teatro dell’Istituto Serafico e utilizzerà questo luogo come occasione per riflettere su un’economia inclusiva, capace di comprendere i capitali spirituali, sociali e narrativi di una comunità.
Artículos presentados en el primer Congreso Internacional sobre la Economía de Francisco en América Latina y el Caribe
Ante la necesidad de trasladar la propuesta de Economía de Francisco al continente latinoamericano y caribeño, los jóvenes crearon la Red Latinoamericana de Economía de Francisco y estos mismos jóvenes decidieron realizar el Congreso Internacional de la Economía de Francisco en América Latina y el Caribe, con el objetivo de crear puentes, conectar propuestas y establecer vínculos entre la teoría y la práctica sobre la economía del mañana.
The active voice of diversities: a video project for the world
Some members of CO2 inequalities village have been working together to create a video-project that will show the lived realities of different people who are marginalized by society. Something new in this project is its focus: the idea was created from a Model (the CLADM) which presents a new paradigm shift: moving from inclusion to acknowledgment.
World: Culture and Innovation in Territories
The month of June was also full of vitality around the world, with several thematic events, meetings, and actions taken which, in addition to spreading the spirit of EoF in different territorial areas, have been able to establish synergies with other entities: all working together for a renewed economy, with a more human face, and based on social, spiritual and narrative capital, which go far beyond the traditional perspective of capitalism.