Settembre 2020
Season of Creation: A season for undertaking prophetic actions
Every year, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is observed on September 1st. The international celebration marks the beginning of the Season of Creation, which extends to October 4th, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. For the 2020 Season of Creation, the suggested topic is “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope”
Reimagining Development: Youth Perspectives for a Better World is a virtual dialogue series (28 August-25 September 2020) towards the Economy of Francesco bringing together young people from international faith-based networks and organizations, seeking to contribute to discourse and actions for a paradigm shift in development.
Agosto 2020
The Economy of Francesco – Chile
We take all the current tensions and challenges very seriously and with respect. We have taken them as part of our essence. Within this exercise, dialogue is fundamental. In spite of the ideological, professional and even age differences, we feel called and identified with the Pope's letter and that is where we start from.
From the Green Deal to a “Social” Green Deal
“From the Green Deal to a "Social" Green Deal: for a future where energy does not divide, does not pollute, and includes the most fragile people”. With these words, the coordination team introduced the issue of the Energy and Poverty village. We met them.