From 22nd – 24th September, over a thousand young people from all over the world will meet the Holy Father and sign a pact for a new economy
Assisi (Italy) ~ Pope Francis will be in Assisi on 24th September for The Economy of Francesco (EoF) event, planned for 22nd – 24th September in the city of St Francis. The Holy Father is keen to be present and meet young economists, entrepreneurs, and change-makers, from around the world, who have been working for EoF for the last three years. EoF is a process, called for by the Pope himself, to lay foundations for a new economy, one that is more just, equitable and fraternal.
Over the last few years, the Holy Father has been kept informed about the activities undertaken by the young people. He offered them words of inspiration and encouragement in two video messages to the EoF events held online in 2020 and 2021. Confirmation has now been received that a meeting with the Holy Father in person will take place in Assisi. “This is news that fills us with joy: we are immensely grateful to the Holy Father” are the words of the organizing committee, made up of the Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, Professor Luigino Bruni, Francesca di Maolo, President of the Seraphic Institute of Assisi, with the support of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. “We pray for the health of the Holy Father and continue to move forward stronger and with even greater enthusiasm to organize the first global in-person meeting in Assisi. We are preparing to welcome young people from over 100 countries, those who have been actively engaged during these months and others who want to contribute to a new season of economic thinking and practice.”
The program of the Pope’s visit foresees his departure at 9 am on the 24th from the Vatican helipad, arrival in the piazza close to the Paleventi [Events Centre] and transfer by car to the nearby Lyric Theatre at Santa Maria degli Angeli. The Holy Father will be welcomed by three young people from EoF, by Cardinal Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, Bishop Domenico Sorrentino, important civil authorities, members of the organizing committee, representatives of the Franciscan families and of Pro Civitate Christiana. At 10 a.m., the Pope will reach the stage, where, after an artistic-cultural moment, there will be a welcome, introduction and testimonies from eight young people from around the world. The Pope will then give his address and sign the Pact with the youth of EoF to launch the change in the economy that he himself has called for.
The complete three-day program will take place in the Lyric Theatre, the Paleventi of Santa Maria degli Angeli, and the historic centre of Assisi through talks, workshops, and thematic villages. It will concentrate on gathering ideas and experiences generated worldwide over the last three years. According to the organizing committee: “There will be opportunities for dialogue between the young people and renowned international experts, to discuss their proposals and continue to consider more deeply the challenges of our time, beginning with the building of an economy based on peace. A permanent “incubation” area for ideas and projects, networking sessions and thematic workshops will be available.” Speakers at the event include Vandana Shiva, Jeffrey Sachs, Kate Raworth, Gael Guraud, Sabina Alkire, Helen Alford, Vilson Groh, and Stefano Zamagni.

The young people, who will come from all over the world, have formed a true community that has produced projects, initiatives, study resources and research. But who are the youth of EoF? Their average age is 28; 30% come from the business world, and another 30% from research, while 40% are change-makers (students, social movements, NGO’s). Most will come from Europe (35%), and Central – South America (30%), Africa (20%) but Asia and North America will also be represented by 8% and 6% of the participants, respectively. In Assisi, they will meet in thematic “villages,” following on from the virtual villages which have been ongoing during these two years of a pandemic: Work and Care; Management and Gift; Finance and Humanity; Agriculture and Justice; Energy and Poverty; Vocation and profit; Policies for Happiness; CO2 of Inequality; Business and Peace; Women and Economy; Businesses in Transition; Life and Lifestyles.
It all began with the invitation that Pope Francis sent on 1st May 2019, to economists, change makers, and entrepreneurs under the age of 35 from around the world. Over the last two years, despite the pandemic, in all five continents thousands of young people from 120 countries, mainly from Italy, Brazil, USA, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, France, Mexico, Germany and the United Kingdom have been involved. There have been two global online events, carried out via live streaming with over 500,000 views, over 50 webinars, some 25 entrepreneurial projects, 2 online EoF Schools and direct participation in a Summer School, an EoF Academy with 18 researchers and 25 senior members. Moreover, over 50 internationally renowned experts have also been involved (including 3 Nobel prize winners), and the Pope has addressed two video messages to the young people.
Further information and news are available on the website www.Francesco economy.org and the official social network channels of the event: Facebook @francescoeconomy; Instagram @francesco_economy; Twitter @FrancescoEcon; YouTube e Flickr.