Interview with Thomas Ching-wei Tu
I am eager to incorporate the teachings of tolerance, conversation, and peace into international studies (...)
I am eager to incorporate the teachings of tolerance, conversation, and peace into international studies (...)
Dearest Friends, I embrace you all with eyes and heart, at the beginning of a year that for us has a special importance, after, under the gaze of the Holy Father, we have undertaken a new stage of the journey of The Economy of Francesco. (...)
La iniciativa de la EoF en estos cinco años ve y reconoce vocacionalmente que en la riqueza de la singularidad y diversidad de sus jóvenes y miembros, y a través de la genuina colaboración entre ellos se encuentran la fuerza, la esperanza y el motor de cambio para avanzar hacia una economía más humana, más justa y sostenible.
Escutando o apelo do Papa Francisco de REALMAR a economia, entendemos que era necessário começar a estudar esta proposta. Em 2023, fizemos alguns encontros em que refletimos juntos os princípios da The Economy of Francesco.
"I remember sitting in the back seat of a car in a traffic jam outside Kolkata, India when I read the letter on my phone and knew with a fast-beating heart that I would do all that I could to take part in this initiative"
"I realised that I wished to fully dedicate myself to tackling inequalities and violences. I assume that we are doing very wrong because we didn't learn to think, act, and do differently."
If we look at it closely, black friday in fact has all the anthropological and social characteristics of ancient religious cults.
Changing the economy is, then, a matter of love. We often think that we need to know something or someone to love it. However, the opposite is also true: it is because I love that I truly know, as I renounce prejudices and open myself to listening; and only because of this love do I feel called to act and to create change.
¿Por qué hablar de capital espiritual, social y narrativo para la economía? ¿Por qué el lugar fue propicio para el desarrollo de la escuela?
We know there are many challenges and much work still to be done. The questions we face are complex, and the answers are not always clear. But we are committed to this journey—not in search of quick fixes, but in pursuit of meaningful dialogue, innovation, and real change.