Space for Reflections – Smile for Peace
Peace begins with a smile
Let’s slow down for a moment and reflect a bit more on this challenging pursuit of peace.
But please remember that peace begins with a Smile so let’s Smile together.
When we think about peace, we often imagine a scenario of calmness of spirit, where concern, anxiety and suffering are absent. I would like to invite you to dive with me into a reflection on precisely this dichotomy: peace and suffering.
The world today is in deep suffering, and we see it everywhere: in politics, religions, ideologies, wars, hunger, poverty… Pain seems to touch every corner in our dearest world.In the face of so much pain all around us, what are we going to do?
We have before us a great opportunity to transform this pain into love, one way to do this is through acts of charity, compassion and reconciliation.
While some are making war, we must be the ones making peace. When someone is hurt, there must be someone to heal that wound, showing even greater love. Love will always be the most powerful weapon against hate, and the surest path to peace. Remember: the world need living examples of peacemakers, it is not only about the words. ACTIONS of love will always lead to peace.
Our community, the Economy of Francesco, is a community of peace made up of people from all parts of the world—different nations, countries, cities, and homes—each of us trying to do good. We must continue to spread peace, hope and goodness in our homes, our cities, our countries, and our nations, until every corner of our world is filled with peacemakers in a world that seems filled with pain. Love is contagious, spread it! It will always bring peace to your heart and to the people around you.
Mother Teresa said: “We ourselves fell that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop were not there, I think the ocean would be less by that missing drop. She also said: “Peace begins with a smile”.
So show your Smile and reconnect to it, Reconnect to peace, reconnect to love and dont forget to reconnect to the economy of Francesco through the members, through the social networks, or through any channel .
We’re here for you, we’re not walking alone.
Peace is possible, be part of it!