Steps for Peace celebrates 2 million steps: Jerusalem is closer for youth of
The Economy of Francesco

June 12, 2024 – The Economy of Francesco’s Steps for Peace march is gaining momentum around the world and surpassing more than 2 million steps contributed. Steps for Peace tries to give life and ground to the vision of Pope Francis and the Saint of Assisi, for a more humane and inclusive economy: an Economy of Peace. Six million steps are still lacking to succeed in uniting Assisi with the Holy Land: this is the goal of the worldwide challenge that will culminate with the trip of a delegation of the Economy of Francesco to Jerusalem.

Hundreds of youth and students in Brazil, Portugal, Uganda, Italy and Jordan joined the march for peace, contributing steps to the Steps for Peace campaign. As Pope Francis emphasized, “the economy that kills, that excludes, that pollutes, that produces war, is not an economy.” This march is not just a symbol, but a concrete step toward transforming an economy that respects human dignity and promotes peace.

«Each walk is a spark – the organizers commented – which we hope will continue to activate other thousands of young people around the world for Peace. Peace cannot be built without the willingness on the part of each person to leave his or her original position, without setting out on a journey. The international negotiation for peace is a journey, like transferring one’s savings, giving up a brand one was fond of, or opening one’s eyes to the beauty of nature and perceiving its fragility. We can all do something for peace if we are willing to take the first step.»

From Haiti to Palermo, Naples to Segrino and Canzo Lakes, the participants in Steps for Peace demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to peace through concrete actions. One moving example came from the Focolare of Parma, which walked 5 km from Ponterecchio to the Fontanellato Shrine. At the same time, young people from Naples walked 25 km to the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pompei, and friends from Amalfi trekked 7 km in the Ferriere Valley. These stories highlight the enthusiasm and determination of the participants to do their part for a better future.

The participation of the Secular Franciscan Order of Trentino Alto Adige, with a pilgrimage in the presence of the Custos of the Holy Land, adds profound meaning to this initiative. With testimonies such as those of Sofia in Portugal, who contributed 10,000 steps, and Brother Pio Maria and friends who contributed steps for peace from Mount Cuccitello in Palermo, the message is clear: peace is a global commitment that unites people around the world.

While the participants prepare for the next steps, the invitation is open to all those who wish to join this global march for peace. Every step counts, and every gesture contributes to weaving the fabric of lasting peace.

For more information on how to participate and contribute to Steps for Peace, please visit the initiative’s official website page.