The EoF Board is the team that coordinates the activities promoted by the organizing committee, the scientific committee and supports the work of thematic villages and territorial initiatives.
On this page you will find the main proposals, open to our community, but also to those who feel close to the spirit of The Economy of Francesco.
> Watch the video: The ACTIVITIES and what we do
December 2024
Visit to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
"I remember sitting in the back seat of a car in a traffic jam outside Kolkata, India when I read the letter on my phone and knew with a fast-beating heart that I would do all that I could to take part in this initiative"
November 2024
The religion of Black Friday in the age of self-gifting
If we look at it closely, black friday in fact has all the anthropological and social characteristics of ancient religious cults.
To change the economy, we must love it
Changing the economy is, then, a matter of love. We often think that we need to know something or someone to love it. However, the opposite is also true: it is because I love that I truly know, as I renounce prejudices and open myself to listening; and only because of this love do I feel called to act and to create change.
October 2024
Presenting… the EoF Foundation!
It aims to promote the common good by supporting young economists, entrepreneurs, and changemakers in fostering a global economic transformation, inspired by the ideals set forth in the pact signed between Pope Francis and young people in Assisi on September 24, 2022 (...)