The EoF Board is the team that coordinates the activities promoted by the organizing committee, the scientific committee and supports the work of thematic villages and territorial initiatives.
On this page you will find the main proposals, open to our community, but also to those who feel close to the spirit of The Economy of Francesco.
> Watch the video: The ACTIVITIES and what we do
October 2022
Final Statement EoF Assisi 2022
During the conclusion of the #EoF2022 event, the 12 thematic villages that are part of The Economy of Francesco presented a Final Statement. This declaration reflects the work and commitment of the members of these villages, and on September 24, this declaration was consigned to Pope Francis.
What is to happen next? How much blood must still flow?
The course of the war in Ukraine has become so serious, devastating and threatening, as to cause great concern. Therefore, today I would like to devote the entire reflection before the Angelus to this.
4 ottobre: Tu a tu con Francesco
Fare economia ispirandosi a lui significa impegnarsi a mettere al centro i poveri. A partire da essi guardare l’economia, a partire da essi guardare il mondo.
September 2022
Forestation on Mount Subasio, protection of the holm oak forest of the Eremo delle Carceri, biodegradable materials, public water fountains, 0 km products provided in areas confiscated from criminal activity and much more, are the actions to reduce the impact of the three days of EoF