Hay un espacio entre la investigación científica y la divulgación. La EoF ProView quiere ocupar ese espacio. A través de la publicación de artículos, la EoF ProView pretende divulgar los conocimientos relacionados con The Economy of Francesco. Como su nombre indica, se centra en la investigación de hoy que tiene una mirada hacia el futuro.
Ecologia integrale: andare oltre la sostenibilità
di Chiara Subrizi. Ecologia integrale significa andare oltre il concetto di sostenibilità, perché non ci sarà una vera sostenibilità della nostra società europea nel lungo periodo se questa non sarà al contempo ambientale, umana, sociale ma anche economica per tutti gli attori che compongono la società e non solo per pochi. Il suo intervento al senato italiano.
New legal models for the new economy
A clear proposal that transverses the academic, business and social initiatives of mobilization of change from the current economy to the economy of tomorrow – thus called pact.
Il lamento della Pace (nel silenzio assordante della filosofia)
A noi posteri Erasmo lascia una lezione che va oltre il contenuto specifico del testo: la Pace ha sempre bisogno di chi le dia voce.
Cuatro consejos para crear emprendimientos más sostenibles
«Francisco, ¿no ves que mi casa se derrumba? Anda, pues, y repárala». Cuatro consejos que pueden ayudar a que los emprendedores creen empresas sostenibles, basado en los resultados de mis investigaciones.
3 economic ideas for a better future
As we get closer to our meeting in Assisi, I want to share with you a few words about some economic ideas that can build a basis on which we can think together about a new way of conceiving the economy. All three ideas are very well connected to Pope Francis’ writings and thoughts and are able to deal with our many contemporary challenges: the environmental crisis, high levels of inequality, precarious labor, political extremism and/or indifference.
Addressing Intergenerational Poverty: In Search for a Better Future
Extreme poverty continues to persist in the world. High barriers to quality healthcare, a weakening job market, and political instability are some factors that attribute to this, but there is also the consideration that due to intrinsic systemic discrimination, those caught in a cycle of poverty will remain in that cycle indefinitely, regardless of the socio-economic safety nets that are made available to them.