Hay un espacio entre la investigación científica y la divulgación. La EoF ProView quiere ocupar ese espacio. A través de la publicación de artículos, la EoF ProView pretende divulgar los conocimientos relacionados con The Economy of Francesco. Como su nombre indica, se centra en la investigación de hoy que tiene una mirada hacia el futuro.
Tech for Good: the role of technology in a new economic paradigm
The new architecture of the paradigm imposes policies that find solutions for the crossroads we are living. So, the technology can be used as a foundation for economic development.
There are not two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather one complex socio-environmental crisis (LS.139). Given the complexity of the matter, an integral approach is required for the solution and attention of the problems as well as for taking care of nature.
Economic roots to conflicts
It seems that the time has come for Europe to grow up and start to be responsible for its own destiny.
A red silk purse. In praise of Morell, entrepreneurs and their friends.
Every day, enterprises silently tell our world stories of success, innovation, cooperation, but also of competition, failure and despair. At the same time, great stories reminisce enterprises and their heroes – workers, entrepreneurs, accountants.
¿La felicidad? Todos la buscamos, ¡incluso cuando no sabemos lo que buscamos! Cuando pensamos en la felicidad pueden venirnos a la cabeza cosas completamente diferentes.
Getting Tired of Gender Equality
There are many inequalities in the world. And, despite current events that seem to bring civilization back hundreds of years, societies are working to not let anyone behind. Or at least, benevolent people are pushing to create a better society. However, as preposterous as it sounds, there are inequalities that are not perceived as such from mostly conservative sides of society. One of them is gender inequality.