Towards the IV EoF (((ON AIR))) Global Gathering. The 25th hour
First works of The stories we are contest arrived from 22 countries
We’ve been already aware of it and we are now sure about that. EoF economists and entrepreneurs are artists as well! Almost 100 piece of works received in just over a month to participate in The stories we are contest: in 6 languages from 22 countries on the 5 continents. 24 poems, 14 letters to the future, 15 figurative works and more videos, songs, journaling pages, short stories, graphic novels, even a video game.
Alongside the necessarily specialized languages, the quantitative, mathematical and analytical approaches through which young people study the problems of the current economic system and rethink a paradigmatic change (in economic theory and practice), the EoF generation attempts the impossible: to find new words and images to contribute to a season of renewal for the narrative and spiritual capital of our time.
In this endeavor, the Economy of Francesco seeks to fulfill its prophetic calling.
An economy, inspired by the prophetic dimension, is expressed today in a new vision of the environment and the earth. But we will not find a new economy, friendly to the poor, to children, to ecosystems, without poets and artists who begin to sing the economy again, who decide to look at it with their own eyes.
A poet, an artist who writes or sings about markets and businesses, the environment and human rights, redeems the economy from the quantity’s kingdom and introduces it into the realm of quality: besides the know-how, he gives back the know-why too, the deep sense, he brings back the spirit that inhabits things and protects them from the risk of total manipulation.
This path is part of another challenge, also belonging to the EoF’s commitment: including, enhancing some cultural ideas and approaches overshadowed (in some cases humiliated) by dominant thinking and inventing new languages, able to bring people closer and helping them to understand and interpret reality and the challenges we are exposed to.
A tough undertaking, but this contest tells us that we are on the right pathway and encourages us to propose other similar initiatives.
The selected works will be presented during the Global Gathering on 6 October and will receive a prize. Thanks, since now, to all involved participants: we have collected a nice heritage where each participant has passionately and creatively presented works made up of ideas, reflections, emotions, talents, memories and insights, deep and personal ones.
Precious traces of a new economy with soul.