EoF ProView

There is a space between scientific research and divulgation. The EoF ProView wants to occupy that space. Through the publication of articles, the EoF ProView aims at disseminating knowledge related to The Economy of Francesco. As the name suggests, the focus is on the research of today that has a look to the future.

3 economic ideas for a better future

Agosto 19th, 2022|Categorie: EOF ProView IT, Miscellaneous|

As we get closer to our meeting in Assisi, I want to share with you a few words about some economic ideas that can build a basis on which we can think together about a new way of conceiving the economy. All three ideas are very well connected to Pope Francis’ writings and thoughts and are able to deal with our many contemporary challenges: the environmental crisis, high levels of inequality, precarious labor, political extremism and/or indifference.

Addressing Intergenerational Poverty: In Search for a Better Future

Agosto 2nd, 2022|Categorie: Academy Proview, EOF ProView IT|

Extreme poverty continues to persist in the world. High barriers to quality healthcare, a weakening job market, and political instability are some factors that attribute to this, but there is also the consideration that due to intrinsic systemic discrimination, those caught in a cycle of poverty will remain in that cycle indefinitely, regardless of the socio-economic safety nets that are made available to them.

A robotic hand to support the ‘invisible hand’ of the market

Luglio 27th, 2022|Categorie: Contemporary Challenges, EOF ProView IT|

Market laws are not deterministic but are related to behavior. The topic dealt with here, briefly, concerns the possibility of controlling behavior such as the uncontrolled rise in prices for certain socially relevant products where that cause damage.

Taxation and gender inequality in Brazil: what does the data say about the way the country taxes?

Luglio 20th, 2022|Categorie: Academy Proview, EOF ProView IT, Notizie, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Social inequality is one of the hallmarks of mercantile societies and is permeated by gender, race and class relations, as well as the way different societies organize themselves productively. Gender inequality is related to the productive context, defining the spaces in which women and men occupy in society.

RADICI – Il Piccolo Principe in dialogo con EoF The (Parte I)

Giugno 9th, 2022|Categorie: Books Proview, EOF ProView IT|

Gli occhi dei poveri e gli occhi dei bambini ci aiuteranno a scoprire la saggezza dell'opera di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, una saggezza che può alimentare adeguatamente “L'Economia di Francesco”. Crediamo che questo romanzo possa far luce sulle sfide che dobbiamo affrontare oggigiorno.

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