Febbraio 2022
Siamo le ali di chi non può volare
Da 150 anni il Serafico si prende cura di bambini e ragazzi con grave disabilità. Sono mutati nel tempo i bisogni delle persone che varcano la sua soglia, e di conseguenza le nostre azioni, ma la nostra missione è sempre la stessa: rendere piena la vita dei più fragili.
The plant as a common good: lights and shadows of cooperation between legumes and bacteria
The Economy of Francesco School is a global educational pathway that began in 2021 and is now in its second year. Re-thinking the science of economics is not an easy task; desiring to do it by 'listening to the plants', seems ambitious.
A new economy means integrating all the dynamics of human existence
A new economy means integrating all the dynamics of [...]
Please, please, please: Do (Look Up)!
In this short column on the recent Netflix blockbuster Don’t Look Up, Mateusz Ciasnocha – a participant of The Economy of Francesco from Poland and a Co-Leader of The Farm of Francesco project born within The Economy of Francesco – reflects on the movie and shares his three insights that emerged after watching and reflecting on the film with the EoF Community.