

1908 2020

The Economy of Francesco – Chile

Agosto 19th, 2020|Categorie: Territori|

We take all the current tensions and challenges very seriously and with respect. We have taken them as part of our essence. Within this exercise, dialogue is fundamental. In spite of the ideological, professional and even age differences, we feel called and identified with the Pope's letter and that is where we start from.

1608 2020

From the Green Deal to a “Social” Green Deal

Agosto 16th, 2020|Categorie: Energy and Poverty|Tag: , , |

“From the Green Deal to a "Social" Green Deal: for a future where energy does not divide, does not pollute, and includes the most fragile people”. With these words, the coordination team introduced the issue of the Energy and Poverty village. We met them.

108 2020

Unlocking our inner call for a new economy

Agosto 1st, 2020|Categorie: Main Stage, Vocation and Profit|Tag: , , |

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, super motivated young people from various parts of a planet called Earth gathered strengths and gifts working together to build a better world”. By the young participants of Vocation & Profit village.

108 2020

Fostering innovative and creative solutions for businesses in transition

Agosto 1st, 2020|Categorie: Business in Transition, Main Stage|Tag: , , |

Today the economy is facing great transformations [...] Companies are, therefore, increasingly called upon to respond to transformations that affect their purpose and their relationships both internally and outward.

108 2020

How and when finance serves humanity and our common home?

Agosto 1st, 2020|Categorie: Finance and Humanity, Main Stage, Notizie|Tag: , |

The Finance and Humanity village will address this ‘golden rule’ of Finance and Economics, in search for proposal and best practices. How and when finance becomes inclusive and serves humanity and the common home?

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