

2907 2020

An economy that is regenerative and inclusive “by design”, what does it mean?

Luglio 29th, 2020|Categorie: CO2 of Inequalities, Main Stage|Tag: , |

An economy that is regenerative and inclusive “by design”, what does it mean? Conversation with Ian Horughiy – from Ukraine and Diana Salgado – from Portugal; both are enrolled in the CO2 of inequalities village.

2007 2020

Vocation and Profit in the perspective of African Culture

Luglio 20th, 2020|Categorie: Notizie, Territori, Vocation and Profit|Tag: , , , |

I giovani partecipanti camerunesi hanno organizzato il 4 luglio un incontro online Towards EoF, con Mbangowah Elvis Ngwa e Maxim Lontio kahabi, moderato da Anold Tatah Kong Mbiydzenyuy e riguardante "Vocazione e profitto nella prospettiva della cultura africana".

2007 2020

Our process, our contribution

Luglio 20th, 2020|Categorie: Main Stage, Work and Care|Tag: , , , , |

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about abrupt changes to the world of work and care, serving as a wake-up call to young economists to reflect on the true meaning of work and care and reconciling the two concepts in such a way as to enable each member of society to flourish.

2006 2020

Five years after Laudato sì. Where are we now?

Giugno 20th, 2020|Categorie: Main Stage, Notizie|Tag: |

On May 22, 2020, the first online scientific conference with international participation was held at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. The purpose of conference was to see where are we after five years of the release of the Encyclical Letter Laudato sì.

606 2020

The pursuit of happiness … and beyond – J. Sachs

Giugno 6th, 2020|Categorie: Main Stage|Tag: , , |

To happiness the same applies as to truth: one does not have it, but is in it. Indeed, happiness is nothing other than being encompassed, an after-image of the original shelter within the mother.

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