The EoF Board is the team that coordinates the activities promoted by the organizing committee, the scientific committee and supports the work of thematic villages and territorial initiatives.
On this page you will find the main proposals, open to our community, but also to those who feel close to the spirit of The Economy of Francesco.
> Watch the video: The ACTIVITIES and what we do
April 2021
Julie Nelson at EoF School
On March 24th the Economy of Francesco met Julie Nelson in her School. The dialogue on these issues was enriched by the presence of three young interlocutors: Serena, from the CO2 village of Inequalities; Olena, from the Women for Economy village; and Tracey, from the Work and Care village. The names of the villages speak even before the protagonists of the dialogue.
March 2021
EoF life in the territories
Almost 70 people responded to the invitation of the Global Call on Thursday 11 March, connecting from 24 different countries, representing the life and experiences they are carrying out in places around the globe, as animators of the spirit of EoF, bringing/dropping the global message in their local realities.
"Knowledge, we believe, is one of the most important common goods we should share if we want to improve our lives" - Jump into the keywords of the first EoF school lessons and find out the next ones
EoF SCHOOL | abstracts and info
RETHINKING ECONOMICS STARTING FROM THE COMMONS - Common good is not the sum of individual goods, as well as the knowledge we are producing and sharing via the Economy of Francesco school is not simply the sum of the abstracts of the lessons here reported.