Alternative EoF Board

The EoF Board is the team that coordinates the activities promoted by the organizing committee, the scientific committee and supports the work of thematic villages and territorial initiatives.

On this page you will find the main proposals, open to our community, but also to those who feel close to the spirit of The Economy of Francesco.

October 2021

The Economics of Francesco between the already and the not yet

October 19th, 2021|Tags: , |

The Economy of Francesco is now at an important stage: the second international event, again in Assisi, in the evocative setting of Monte Frumentario, broadcast throughout the world alongside many national events. In the program, there was a panel discussion with an interesting title: 'The Economics of Francesco between the already and the not yet'

September 2021

2 octobre 2021 EVENEMENT EoF – Le programme en FR

September 25th, 2021|Tags: |

Le rendez-vous mondial The Economy of Francesco 2021 approche, le 2 octobre prochain. En attendant la rencontre avec le Pape François à Assise, à l'automne 2022, un deuxième événement pour les jeunes entrepreneurs, économistes et acteurs de changement des 5 continents qui se rencontreront simultanément pour partager des parcours et construire des alliances.

2 de Outubro 2021 EVENTO EoF – O programa em PT

September 25th, 2021|Tags: |

Está se aproximando o evento global A Economia de Francisco 2021, dia 2 de outubro. Em vista do encontro com o Papa Francisco em Assis, no outono de 2022, é um segundo evento para jovens empreendedores, economistas e changemakers (agentes de mudanças) dos cinco continentes que se encontrarão simultaneamente para compartilhar percursos e construir parcerias.

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