Falling down of women occupation during pandemic

January 20th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON, Women for Economy|

In the seminar, promoted by the Women for Economy Village, Gianna Martinengo, entrepreneur, was invited to share her experience and knowledge about the pandemic situation that changed the way of work and its impact on women's occupation.

La Economía de Francisco, una realidad multiplicándose en Cuba

December 21st, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, News, Territories, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

La Economía de Francisco, un camino nuevo para rehumanizar los negocios y la economía. Los días 11 y 12 de diciembre se organizaron ferias comerciales en las parroquias de El Caney y Santa Lucía, Cuba, donde participaron no sólo los proyectos de Economía de Francisco, sino también otros invitados.

Listening to plants for a new economic paradigm

December 9th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, EoF school, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Listening to plants for a new economic paradigm is the title of the second edition of the EoF School, a higher education course promoted by The Economy of Francesco. A new experience of training and reflection for the hundreds of young economists and entrepreneurs of the world who have already registered to follow the lessons online.

Pobreza y pobrezas, el punto de partida de un proceso de aprendizaje

December 6th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, CO2 of Inequalities, Energy and Poverty, EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Finance and Humanity, HUBs, Territories, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

“Pobreza y pobrezas. Buscando claves para América Latina” es el título del diplomado recientemente concluido en América Latina, impulsado por el CELAM (Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano) e impartido por 15 jóvenes de The Economy of Francesco, como una contribución para dar una nueva alma a la economía.

Listening to plants for a new economic paradigm – EoF School 2022

November 23rd, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, WHAT'S ON|

The first edition ended, but the path towards the Economics of Francesco has just begun. The Economy of Francesco is happy to announce its second online Economy of Francesco School that will take place between December 2021 and June 2022.

How smart is smartworking

November 17th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, News, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON, Women for Economy|

How did remote working affect our lives, productivity, and well-being? Will it be the new standard after the pandemic? In response to these questions, The Economy of Francesco's thematic village, Women for economy, decided to organize a space for dialogue to understand the challenges, advantages, and disadvantages that this type of work brings with it.

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