Experiences from The Economy of Francesco International Summer School with a Latin American perspective
The summer school was titled “Economies for Good Living”.
The summer school was titled “Economies for Good Living”.
'Let’s go forward together, even if it costs death.' Indeed, it came for two of them.
“The role of art is to put a thorn in the heart, which moves us to contemplation, and contemplation puts us on a path”
Why and for whom do the bells ring at noon today? The Franciscan monk Csaba Böjte's mission for peace and the economy of peace unfurled the flag at the castle of Vajdahunyad, in the spirit of the southern bell.
Lo Spiritual Retreat-Meeting2023 di UNIAPAC Europe, una realtà ecumenica che raccoglie le Associazioni confederate europee(per l’Italia l’UCID) di imprenditori, dirigenti d’azienda e professionisti cristiani, dal titolo:“Insieme in Europa. Dal coraggio di cambiare all’azione per il Bene Comune”.
As part of The Economy of Francesco, we firmly believe that art can transcend borders, bridge communities, and shape a brighter future for all. This is why we have decided to call for a competition that appeals to all narrative and artistic forms.
In the economy, today, there is a famine of narrative capital. Reviving and reliving the spiritual and ethical narratives in the context of our contemporary times is necessary. Giving a soul to the economy (Pope Francis, 2019) requires a reconsolidation, or perhaps a new foundation of narrative and social capitals to sustain human cultures on earth.
The streaming event on October 6th will be broadcasted from the Seraphic Institute Theatre of Assisi and will use this venue as an opportunity to reflect on an inclusive economy, capable of understanding the spiritual, social and narrative capitals of a community.
Si è conclusa venerdì 23 giugno la seconda edizione della International Summer School promossa da The Economy of Francesco. Per una settimana, il Santuario Francescano della Verna ha ospitato i lavori della scuola dal titolo Spiritual, social, and narrative capitals: going beyond capitalism.
The 37-year-old Arizona-raised man has launched an online platform to improve the mental and physical well-being of students: "The call of Assisi is alive"