Youtopic: A space to take a fresh look at the present and redesign the future
Youtopic, a space of coincidence, a space of joy and, most important, of hope. A space of dialogue and friendship.
Youtopic, a space of coincidence, a space of joy and, most important, of hope. A space of dialogue and friendship.
During the conclusion of the #EoF2022 event, the 12 thematic villages that are part of The Economy of Francesco presented a Final Statement. This declaration reflects the work and commitment of the members of these villages, and on September 24, this declaration was consigned to Pope Francis.
Il contesto attuale ci fa ripensare a grandi temi come la pace e la guerra. Martina Pignatti è direttrice della ONG “Un ponte per” che da oltre trent’anni agisce per dare uno spazio alla non violenza nella risoluzione dei conflitti e l’abbiamo invitata ad approfondire le questioni sociali ed economiche che la guerra porta con sé.
This situation [the pandemic] is a real opportunity. We are one of the first worldwide communities built under these pandemic situations, meaning that we are an ongoing process born on this particular situation. So we are the avantgarde of how the post covid world will be.