What’s going on locally, what was born from the meetings and after the 2020 November event, particular stories of a territory, perspectives, requests, best practices, projects, work-in-progress initiatives, shared paths and local proposals for today & tomorrow’s new economy. All lived and told by EoF young people: direct witness, and voice, of local communities.
The Italian EoF community is very active and distributed over multiple regions (almost entirely covering the national territory) with local activities, interregional connections and exchange of good practices. The regional coordinators are about 50 young people committed in spreading the movement and stimulating projects and initiatives to feed the process started.
LAZIO: Â Â Â Â [email protected]
CAMPANIA:Â [email protected]
UMBRIA: Â Â Â [email protected]
MARCHE: Â [email protected]
SICILIA:Â [email protected]
PIEMONTE e VdA : [email protected] – [email protected]
LOMBARDIA:Â hublombardia@francescoeconomy.
TOSCANA:Â [email protected]
VENETO:Â eofhubtriveneto@
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA: [email protected]
EMILIA ROMAGNA:Â economyfrancesco.
- July 10th 2021 – Slot mob: https://francescoeconomy.org/slotmob-the-economy-of-francesco/
- Preparatory commitment for the Catholic Social Weeks, in synergy with the CEI (21-25 October 2021). In particular, the proposals intercepted in this area are: mapping of ecclesiastical properties currently in disuse, medical assistance for the proximity of vulnerable groups; strategic use of PNNR funds
- Project for the dissemination of EoF principles in schools
- Experiential and work summer camps, in collaboration with other associations (es: Libera – https://www.libera.it/)
- Mentorship and training activities for several groups (CittĂ dei Ragazzi di Roma, etc …)
- The House of Francesco (in Turin)
- Dialogues between Church and Academy in collaboration with the major Lombard universities
Objectivos: Suscitar interĂ©s en la propuesta de EoF como mirada alternativa al desarrollo y crecimiento de nuestro paĂs. Promover el diálogo. Fomentar liderazgos
Objectives: To arouse interest in the EoF proposal as an alternative look at the development and growth of our country. Promote dialogue. Promote leadership
IG: eofcolombia | FB: @eofcolombia | YB: Economy of Francesco Colombia
Hub AEC (AsociaciĂłn de Empresarios CatĂłlicos de Colombia): [email protected]
EVENT 2023 3er Congreso Internacional de EconomĂa de Francisco, AmĂ©rica Latina y el Caribe:
- Seminario Virtual: “EducaciĂłn Superior, TecnologĂa e innovaciĂłn. Retos Ă©ticos para una economĂa solidaria de desarrollo social”
- Impacto Deseado: Generar sinergias con otras Universidades desde una lĂnea Nacional y desde la internacionalizaciĂłn. RealizaciĂłn del Congreso prĂłximo Semestre “ Comunidad, CiudadanĂa y PolĂtica una agenda Ă©tica para la transformaciĂłn social desde la Universidad”
- Encuentros mensuales en grupo de estudio y Seminarios Virtuales
- Alianzas con: Instituciones de educaciĂłn (media superior y posgrado). Empresas y Entidades (pĂşblicas y/o privadas). Escenario acadĂ©mico, social y empresarial. Red Latinoamericana – EconomĂa de Francisco Facebook > Red latinoamericana de EconomĂa de Francisco Instagram > redlatam.edf
- Encuentro 2019 noviembre 27 con la Conferencia Episcopal Colombiana. AsociaciĂłn de Empresarios CatĂłlicos de Colombia camino a EconomĂa de Francisco, con asistencia de 150 personas entre jĂłvenes y empresarios de diferentes sectores productivos del paĂs con la Conferencia Episcopal Colombiana.
- Encuentro 2020 febrero 18 Camino a AsĂs en la Conferencia Episcopal Colombiana. PresentaciĂłn de iniciativas de jĂłvenes con la asistencia de los Empresarios de la AsociaciĂłn de Empresarios CatĂłlicos de Colombia
- Encuentro junio 2020 Bien comĂşn AsociaciĂłn de Empresarios CatĂłlicos de Colombia guiado por el Presidente del Grupo Empresarial FundaciĂłn Grupo Social.
- Encuentro julio 2020 Subsidiariedad
- Encuentro agosto 2020 destino universal de los bienes
- Encuentro septiembre 2020 participaciĂłn
- Encuentro octubre 2020 Dignidad humana
- Encuentros mensuales iniciamos en febrero y cerramos en noviembre 2021: Tema complejidad de la vacunaciĂłn en el mundo con la guia de Empresarios y profesores Universitarios
- Encuentros 2022 el DesafĂo EnergĂ©tico, EconomĂa y Bienestar, La VocaciĂłn de la Empresa, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria, El Papel de las Finanzas
A comunidade, está muito prĂł-ativa e empenhada em divulgar e valorizar a rede portuguesa. Existe uma equipa para envolver as pessoas da EoF no paĂs (equipas de coordenação, comunicação e projectos), construindo tambĂ©m pontes estratĂ©gicas com outros paĂses de lĂngua portuguesa.
The community is very proactive and committed in spreading the word and enhancing the portuguese network. There is a team to engage people around EoF in the country (coordination, communication and projects teams), also building strategic bridges with other Portuguese-speaking countries.
IG: economiadefrancisco_pt | FB: A economia de Francisco Portugal
- Curso online A Economia de Francesco: O Santo, o Papa e nĂłs – 336 pessoas
- Presença na Jornada Mundial da Juventude Lisboa 2023 – Equipa de Diálogo e Proximidade
- Grupo de Trabalho da Pobreza em parceria com a European Anti Poverty Network em Portugal
- European Social Impact Manager em parceria com Erasmus +
- Engajamento das gerações mais jovens na liderança do movimento EoF em Portugal
- PatrocĂnio e engajamento da Igreja em Portugal: parĂłquias, movimentos
- Relançamento de um curso para universitários / jovens profissionais, como forma de alimentar a rede
- Encontro Nacional no Convento do Varatojo (Casa dos Franciscanos)
to know more > https://economiadefrancisco.org/
EoF e temas principais
Economia Mesa Redonda de Francis (jovens EoF Academy) + EoF School (commons) + Summer School
El Hub Chile nace en Enero del 2020 con el anhelo entre jĂłvenes y seniors de reanimar la EconomĂa de manera justa, inclusiva y sostenible.
Somos personas que pertenecemos al mundo económico, empresarial, de emprendimiento y changemakers en Chile a través de una búsqueda entre lo teórico y lo práctico para responder entregando valor con impacto social positivo en la sociedad.
WHAT’S ON (news from the EoF HUBs)
IV EoF (((ON AIR))) Global Gathering
The streaming event on October 6th will be broadcasted from the Seraphic Institute Theatre of Assisi and will use this venue as an opportunity to reflect on an inclusive economy, capable of understanding the spiritual, social and narrative capitals of a community.
World: Culture and Innovation in Territories
The month of June was also full of vitality around the world, with several thematic events, meetings, and actions taken which, in addition to spreading the spirit of EoF in different territorial areas, have been able to establish synergies with other entities: all working together for a renewed economy, with a more human face, and based on social, spiritual and narrative capital, which go far beyond the traditional perspective of capitalism.
The Franciscan Tradition in Economic Thought
The EoF Academy offers a free online course on Franciscan economy and economic thought. Courses are designed to reinforce a few key concepts and are aimed to align the knowledge of all the enrolled students coming from different backgrounds.
Anche i giovani dell’Hub EoF Italia a “Fa’ la cosa giusta”!
Milano - Dal 24 al 26 marzo si terrà all’ Allianz MiCo (Pad. 3 e 4) la fiera “Fa' la cosa giusta”, manifestazione che ormai da anni ospita e diffonde sul territorio nazionale le “buone pratiche” di consumo e produzione, e valorizza le specificità e le eccellenze, in rete e in sinergia con il tessuto istituzionale, associativo e imprenditoriale locale.