Please, please, please: Do (Look Up)!

Gennaio 25th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

In this short column on the recent Netflix blockbuster Don’t Look Up, Mateusz Ciasnocha – a participant of the Economy of Francesco from Poland and a Co-Leader of the Farm of Francesco project born within The Economy of Francesco – reflects on the movie and shares his three insights that emerged after watching and reflecting on the film with the EoF Community.

Falling down of women occupation during pandemic

Gennaio 20th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON, Women for Economy|

In the seminar, promoted by the Women for Economy Village, Gianna Martinengo, entrepreneur, was invited to share her experience and knowledge about the pandemic situation that changed the way of work and its impact on women's occupation.

Pobreza y pobrezas, el punto de partida de un proceso de aprendizaje

Dicembre 6th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, CO2 of Inequalities, Energy and Poverty, EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Finance and Humanity, HUBs, Territories, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

“Pobreza y pobrezas. Buscando claves para América Latina” es el título del diplomado recientemente concluido en América Latina, impulsado por el CELAM (Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano) e impartido por 15 jóvenes de The Economy of Francesco, como una contribución para dar una nueva alma a la economía.

Taranto, uniti in un’Alleanza per il futuro – 49esima Settimana Sociale

Novembre 2nd, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, Territories, WHAT’S ON|

Alcuni membri della community EoF erano presenti a Taranto per la 49esima Settimana Sociale dei Cattolici italiani, svoltasi dal 21 al 24 ottobre 2021, che ha riunito oltre 700 delegate e delegati provenienti da tutta Italia insieme ad un centinaio di vescovi, sacerdoti e religiosi, laici, rappresentanti delle istituzioni e del mondo della politica e della cultura.

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