I 12 “Villaggi EoF” rappresentano le sessioni di lavoro dei membri della community sui grandi temi dell’economia di oggi e di domani. I villaggi sono spesso crocevia di strade e cammini, luoghi di incontro fra persone e culture diverse. E anche naturalmente spazi di dialogo e di confronto, di domande e prospettive, di riflessioni e proposte.
WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)
L’impresa del cioccolato [IT-ESP]
L’impresa del cioccolato [IT-ESP]: "L'economia può essere davvero un motore trasformativo della vita sociale, il luogo dove sperimentare una cultura della comunione, dell'amore concreto e della felicità"
Behind the scenes: keeping local enthusiasm active
With the awareness of our limitations, we know we have done a lot in our humble way, while leaving room for future improvement [...] This would demonstrate how “open” is the innovation process on which the entire project -which is so dear to us- is based.
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
On October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, The Economy of Francesco would like to contribute to celebrate the date by organizing an online conversation entitled "How do we measure poverty?" that will focus on extreme poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon.
“Transit to a low-carbon energy system but with no one left behind”
“The Energy & Poverty Village has been debating a way of transit to a low-carbon energy system but with no one left behind. We believe and defend a Social Green Deal, a great amount of effort towards a cleaner and more inclusive energy system in harmony with our "Common Home" as defended by Pope Francis”.