Hay un espacio entre la investigación científica y la divulgación. La EoF ProView quiere ocupar ese espacio. A través de la publicación de artículos, la EoF ProView pretende divulgar los conocimientos relacionados con The Economy of Francesco. Como su nombre indica, se centra en la investigación de hoy que tiene una mirada hacia el futuro.
Circular economy and its actors: an integral and sustainable approach of municipal solid waste management in Cameroon
Against the “use and throw away” logic, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger through circular economy.
How can the Principles of Integral Ecology Help to Assess a Just Transition Policy?
Through my evaluation research, I am joining the EoF efforts in adopting new metrics and assessment frameworks for the common good and designing policies for happiness.
Underutilization of skills in the knowledge economy
A research on skill inequalities within the labor market of peripheral countries that seeks to give voice to countries excluded from the dynamics of capital concentration in the “knowledge economy”.
Researching students’ awareness on Laudato Si’ in Nairobi County – Kenya
It is now nearly ten years since the release of the encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, on the care for our common home by Pope Francis on May 25, 2015 – yet the world is still experiencing serious threats due to unsustainable use of natural and environmental resources. In the Encyclical, Pope Francis decries that we human beings have mistreated the environment such that it now risks becoming a desolate waste.
Artículos presentados en el primer Congreso Internacional sobre la Economía de Francisco en América Latina y el Caribe
Ante la necesidad de trasladar la propuesta de Economía de Francisco al continente latinoamericano y caribeño, los jóvenes crearon la Red Latinoamericana de Economía de Francisco y estos mismos jóvenes decidieron realizar el Congreso Internacional de la Economía de Francisco en América Latina y el Caribe, con el objetivo de crear puentes, conectar propuestas y establecer vínculos entre la teoría y la práctica sobre la economía del mañana.
The value of work beyond wages
In commemoration of International Labor Day, we present one of the texts that are part of the book "The Economy of Francesco, a glossary to repair the language of economics". The article, written by Tracey Freiberg, proposes a review and reflection on the concept of work, from a fraternal, fair and inclusive perspective, such as the one that has matured within the EoF community.