There is a space between scientific research and divulgation. The EoF ProView wants to occupy that space. Through the publication of articles, the EoF ProView aims at disseminating knowledge related to The Economy of Francesco. As the name suggests, the focus is on the research of today that has a look to the future.
Remembering the Summer School in Gubbio 2021
Almost a year has passed since the first EoF Summer School in Gubbio. As we are awaiting the next one and preparing for the meeting in Assisi, let me use this opportunity to look back and remember.
Quale cura per la non autosufficienza: 3 punti per non arrivare tardi
A giorni è atteso in Consiglio dei ministri il disegno di legge delega per la riforma della non autosufficienza proposto dalla commissione interministeriale istituita ad hoc e presieduta da mons. Paglia. Un momento storico per tanti, meno per i tre milioni di anziani non autosufficienti che oggi si contano in Italia: per loro la riforma potrebbe arrivare troppo tardi.
Alcune considerazioni circa l’importanza della “scienza triste” nell’affrontare le questioni del presente e migliorare la vita umana.
Tech for Good: the role of technology in a new economic paradigm
The new architecture of the paradigm imposes policies that find solutions for the crossroads we are living. So, the technology can be used as a foundation for economic development.
There are not two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather one complex socio-environmental crisis (LS.139). Given the complexity of the matter, an integral approach is required for the solution and attention of the problems as well as for taking care of nature.
Economic roots to conflicts
It seems that the time has come for Europe to grow up and start to be responsible for its own destiny.