Common Commitment

Agosto 2021

Creating a culture of peace and fostering a better world for our children to live

Agosto 13th, 2021|Tag: , , |

We met with the coordinators of one of the projects born within this village, named Children Flourishing Index. “Global talks is an initiative where we invite guests around the world so we can have conversations that matters” – they said. “Dialogues on how can we work towards a culture of peace, to create a world where children and future generations can thrive and flourish?”

UN Food System Pre-Summit con The Economy of Francesco

Agosto 6th, 2021|Tag: , , , |

Rivedi la sessione di lavoro della Seconda giornata del pre-vertice Onu sui Sistemi Alimentari del 27 luglio 2021, tenutasi a Roma, promossa dalla Commissione Vaticana Covid-19 insieme a “The Economy of Francesco” e leggi la testimonianza di Lucia Capuzzi, la moderatrice.

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