Agosto 2021
LE DONNE AFGANE ESISTONO. Together we stand! 28 agosto: EoF Global March
EoF lancia una marcia globale: sabato 28 agosto, scendiamo in piazza, nelle strade delle nostre città, per gridare: “Le donne afgane esistono”. Together we stand!
In vista della 42esima edizione del meeting di Rimini, dal 20 al 25 agosto 2021, i giovani si mobilitano per una nuova economia. Intervista a Giacomo Ciambotti, moderatore e organizzatore dell'incontro “I GIOVANI PER UNA NUOVA ECONOMIA: DALL’ECONOMY OF FRANCESCO, UN IO IN AZIONE” 20 agosto 2021 - ore 14 - Sala Ravezzi
Creating a culture of peace and fostering a better world for our children to live
We met with the coordinators of one of the projects born within this village, named Children Flourishing Index. “Global talks is an initiative where we invite guests around the world so we can have conversations that matters” – they said. “Dialogues on how can we work towards a culture of peace, to create a world where children and future generations can thrive and flourish?”
The great challenges between sport and economy – TOKYO 2020
A few days from the conclusion of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, we report the special contribution we received from two EoF young people, Jean Claude Rugigana and Gabriela Matus, who are Community Leaders of Yunus Sports Hub.