October 2024
Summer school “Renew my house” at Porta Coeli Monastery
The programme of the summer school was packed with themes relating to environmental and social issues that are crucial for today's society.
August 2024
September 1-6, a learning experience on economy as a journey
An experience of training, reflection and study that this year will welcome about 50 young students, doctoral students, researchers and professionals from various fields from more than 20 countries around the world.
September 2023
First works of The stories we are contest arrived from 22 countries
We’ve been already aware of it and we are now sure about that. EoF economists and entrepreneurs are artists as well!
August 2023
Il capitale di oggi? È l’Economia di Francesco
Alla lettura dei 12 punti molti penseranno che The Economy of Francesco è una meravigliosa utopia del tutto irrealizzabile. Lo è anche il Vangelo, ma ciò non ha minimamente offuscato, nei secoli, la luce che irradia e che accompagna e sostiene l’umanità nel suo accidentato cammino su questa terra.