TWO YEARS AFTER the publication of Pope Francis’ May 1st letter and after the event [GO TO THE VIDEO Back in time: November event] in November 2020, a new global meeting calls the world’s young economists and entrepreneurs to unite in the common commitment to revive the economy. At a time still wounded by the global emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Pope’s call to live The Economy of Francesco as a vocation, a culture and a covenant resonates even more urgently.
“Dear young people, … This exercise – encountering one another aside from all legitimate differences – is the first step towards any change that can help generate a new cultural and consequently economic, political and social mentality. For you will never be able to undertake great things solely from a theoretical or individual perspective, without a spirit that drives you, without meaningful interior motivations, without a sense of belonging and rootedness that can enhance personal and communal activities”. Pope Francis Video message of Pope Francis – event The economy of Francesco 19-21 November 2020
THE 2021’S EVENT IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS, ECONOMISTS AND CHANGEMAKERS from the five continents to meet, simultaneously, in many countries of the world to share pathways and build alliances. Initiatives that will culminate in a common and global online event, connected from Assisi. EoF is a youth movement and an opportunity for all young people who feel called to commit themselves to an economy attentive to the least and capable of caring for the planet, to build together a process of global change and give life to a new season of economic thought and practice.
The territorial reality is essential to involve other young people, listen to the voice of the communities, network, implement projects and include the needs of the most vulnerable.
Are you organizing or do you want to ORGANIZE an EoF LOCAL EVENT in your city? We will publish it on the website here: https://francescoeconomy.org/eof_hubs/
It’s easy. Take a look at these suggestions and then just fill in the form:
> With the third millennium, we have now entered the era of common goods: if we continue to think and act like we are the owners and masters of the earth, of the environment, of the oceans, we will only end up destroying them. We must learn, and soon, to make use of goods without being their masters, we must quickly learn the art of using and making use of without ownership. Francis’ art. What if the economy of sine proprio was that of the era of common goods? Will it be the oikonomia of Francis that will save both us and the earth in the end?
These questions have inspired – in the year 2021 – The Economy of Francesco School, an advanced online course on the topics of the Economy of Francesco entitled Rethinking economics starting from the commons. The 3 pillars of the School were: Pope Francis’ teachings, Franciscan economic thought and institutions, and some of the topics which grounded the EoF villages.
You can find a playlist with all the lessons we have had during the EoF School here: https://francescoeconomy.org/eof-school-abstracts/
Revive, review and restudy can be very helpful also to let us get inspired for our local event: https://bit.ly/3vWLCws
We remain available for other requests and support from the International Scientific Committee.
For more info or requests, write to us [email protected]