¡Pasos Latinoamericanos!

4th Latin American and the Caribbean EoF Congress

Those of us who live in el Continente de la Esperanza have implemented. Since the beginning of Pope Francis’ global call to reanimate the economy, those of us who live in Latin America and the Caribbean were certain that this call was an invitation to commit ourselves to the historical transformations of our territories and to truly be protagonists of an economic change in our region.

One of these many initiatives has been the congresses organized by the EoF Latin American Network that have allowed us to analyze the economic challenges from our realities, with our diversity of cultures and knowledge and from our different ways of making economic projects.

The first of them was in 2021 based in Paraná, Brazil. The second, in 2022, was in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From there, in 2023 we went to Bogotá in Colombia and now, with great joy, we invite you to be part of the 4th EoF International Congress in Latin America and the Caribbean, in person and virtually, which will take place on October 24 and 25 in Mexico City.

These efforts have been added to other educational processes such as the Summer Schools that have been carried out in Latin America, this year 3, in Brazil, in Mexico and soon, next november, in Argentina. We are convinced that an economic transition is only possible through an educational transition that puts the peripheries at the center of the debate, rescues the knowledge of economic practices with a territorial perspective and moves youth in the desire to be responsible protagonists of their present and their future.

So, we continue to invite you to continue building processes around the world with your creativity and talent. Let’s continue making the EoF a prophetic, courageous and hope-filled community.