The worldwide campaign “A VACCINE FOR ALL”

May 19th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, WHAT'S ON|

The campaign promoting access for all to Covid-19 vaccines will be launched on 20th May along with a symbolic action to bring healthcare to the native populations of the Amazon. It is sponsored by an international network of organizations from different cultures and religions.

Julie Nelson at EoF School

April 13th, 2021|EoF school, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON|

On March 24th the Economy of Francesco met Julie Nelson in her School. The dialogue on these issues was enriched by the presence of three young interlocutors: Serena, from the CO2 village of Inequalities; Olena, from the Women for Economy village; and Tracey, from the Work and Care village. The names of the villages speak even before the protagonists of the dialogue.

The benefit from gratuitousness. A special mindset for performing management practices

October 7th, 2020|Management and Gift, News|

“[...] we have seen how blurred is the boundary between something that can seem a personal and inner call (the personal vocation to gratuitousness), and a concrete necessity of developing some methods to not lead the whole company structure to the mere research of profit”.

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