In carcere si entra in punta di piedi

December 17th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

In carcere si entra in punta di piedi. Per alcuni di noi è la prima volta: gli occhi cercano di superare la distanza delle grate, una accanto all’altra, da fuori sono tutte uguali. Nelle mani abbiamo un dono. È quasi Natale, vogliamo stare un po’ con loro. I nostri amici di Bollate.

La Economía de Francisco en América Latina y el Caribe Por una economía más humana, inclusiva y sostenible

November 15th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, Main Stage, News, Territories, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Más de 15 instituciones educativas de América Latina y el Caribe, se reunieron para impulsar una economía diferente, más humana, inclusiva y sostenible.

Final Statement EoF Assisi 2022

October 10th, 2022|Agriculture and Justice, Business and Peace, Business in Transition, CO2 of Inequalities, Energy and Poverty, EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Finance and Humanity, Life and Lifestyle, Main Stage, Management and Gift, News, Policies and Happiness, Villages, Vocation and Profit, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON, Women for Economy, Work and Care|

During the conclusion of the #EoF2022 event, the 12 thematic villages that are part of The Economy of Francesco presented a Final Statement. This declaration reflects the work and commitment of the members of these villages, and on September 24, this declaration was consigned to Pope Francis.

Young people “Pact for the Economy” with Pope Francis

September 24th, 2022|News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Young people "Pact for the Economy" with Pope Francis We, young economists, entrepreneurs, and changemakers, called here to Assisi from every part of the world, aware of the responsibility that rests on our generation, commit ourselves today, individually and [...]

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