EoF Campaigns… made easy!

During the last year, the Community of Economy of Francesco has been very active with the development of campaigns focused on promoting and strengthening peace. We have lived this through cooperation with different institutions and different approaches.

The actions of the Community in this area are more important than ever before given the increasing conflicts around the world, which – as always – most affect are the poor, the vulnerable, the ones who can’t fight or fund wars.

> Go to MONEY FOR PEACE campaign

Money for Peace is a campaign developed within the Village of Business

and Peace with the support of different institutions such as the University of Catalunya in the Peace program, the Banca Armada Program, as well as Aneeqa Malik, a dear friend of EoF.

The objective of this campaign is to raise awareness on how our money, our funds, as consumers are being used by the financial institutions that we trust them with, like banks, insurance companies, and others. We called for the questioning of banks and action by demanding ethical investments or moving to ethical financial institutions.

> Go to ASK FOR PEACE Reading Marathon

The reading Marathon to Ask for Peace was a space in which through literature peace was being demanded, with the participation and representation of more than 12 countries, including Lebanon, Costa Rica, Italy, Spain, France, Haiti, and many, many more. We had interviews with activists, with journalists, researchers and young members of our Community.

During these 12 hours of marathon there were readings of poems, analysis, prayers, all asking for peace, all demanding for peace.

> Go to STEPS FOR PEACE campaign

Campaign that was announced in the Ask for Peace Marathon, inspired by the story of St Francis walking to Egypt to meet and dialogue with the Sultan of Egypt, al-Malik al-Kamil, a proposal from the Community of EoF arose, to have walks in community around the world and to donate the steps taken, aiming for 8 million steps, which marks the distance between Assisi and Jerusalem. We have now reached over 14 million steps, we have almost doubled our first goal and we have been inspired by the participation of our community, with over 200 participants in more than 15 countries.

As the EoF Steps for Peace reached its first goal, we are now off to our second goal: running a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the donation to the Children’s Hospital in Bethlehem, Palestine. If you want to support please go to our website, in the Steps for Peace area you will find how to donate to this cause.