The EoF BOARD is the team that coordinates the activities promoted by the organizing committee, the scientific committee and that supports the work of the Villages and territorial initiatives. Here you will find the main proposals, open to our community but also to all those souls who feel close to the spirit of EoF.
The 12 “EoF Villages” represent the working sessions of the participants on key topics of the economy of today and tomorrow. This is the place of crossroads and paths, dialogue and confrontation, questions and perspectives, reflections and proposals.
The EoF BOARD is the team that coordinates the activities promoted by the organizing committee, the scientific committee and that supports the work of the Villages and territorial initiatives. Here you will find the main proposals, open to our community but also to all those souls who feel close to the spirit of EoF.
What’s going on locally, what was born from the meetings and after the November event, particular stories of a territory, perspectives, requests, best practices, projects, work-in-progress initiatives, shared paths and local proposals for today & tomorrow’s new economy.
Living The Economy of Francesco events are proposals inspired by The Economy of Francesco life. These are initiatives organized at the regional or local level (in presence or online) in the form of workshops, laboratories, study seminars, conferences, round tables, calls for action and much more.
“Your universities, your businesses and your organizations are workshops of hope for creating new ways of understanding the economy and progress, for combating the culture of waste, for giving voice to those who have none and for proposing new styles of life.” (Letter of the Holy Father May 1, 2019 – “to Young Economists and Entrepreneurs Worldwide”)
The EoF community is mainly made up of stories. Young entrepreneurs, researchers and changemakers building pieces of a different present and future, every day.
The work and commitment of the EoF young people has resulted in a declaration, which expresses in 12 points both a personal commitment and an appeal to citizens, institutions, and companies all over the world. At the end of the November 2020 event, 12 young people from 12 countries representing the 12 EoF villages read the Final Statement and Common Commitment EoF.
Do you want to join the EoF community and participate in the 2022 event?
EoF is an international movement of young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers engaged in a process of inclusive dialogue and young, vibrant, global change, moving towards a new economy.
By filling out the form below you can apply to join the EoF community and participate in this year’s event in Assisi, September 22-24. Join and be part of it.
Di Maolo: Talking about inclusion means being aware that someone is kept outside
Aware that we need an economy that leaves no one behind, we know a fundamental aspect is to think with and for those who have disabilities. This is why we interviewed Francesca Di Maolo, director of Istituto Serafico di Assisi, an institute that for 150 years has been working for the education, healthcare and inclusion of young people with disabilities.
Del Mastro: Victims of human trafficking are victims of the current economy
In the framework of World Day Against Human Trafficking, we interviewed Nicolás del Mastro, a young Argentinean who is dedicated to this cause from the Alameda Foundation. He tells us why the issue of trafficking matter so much in an economic environment. «A system that puts at the center the “god” of money, that alters all the processes of production to maximize profits, that maintains that a human being is an instrument, a means, is just one more commodity, merchandise, used needed to produce more money.»
For Julieta, care work is a challenge to burnout
A 28-year-old psychologist, she is among the young changemakers who will bring to the Economy of Francesco global event in September a participatory experience that has spread from Argentina to Mexico and Peru.
When financial education fulfils dreams
It was in financial education that Matheus found the answer to his main question.