Superare la tensione tra profitto e scopo: un Framework Integrato tra Economia Aziendale, Economia Civile e Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa

Dicembre 19th, 2024|Contemporary Challenges, EOF ProView IT|

L’articolo affronta la tensione tra profitto e scopo delle imprese, proponendo un framework integrato tra Economia Aziendale, Economia Civile e Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa.

SLOTMOB – L’Italia dice NO all’azzardo. Con l’aiuto di The Economy of Francesco

Luglio 12th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, WHAT'S ON|

Dal Piemonte alla Sicilia, sono 17 le regioni coinvolte oggi, sabato 10 luglio 2021, nella mobilitazione SlotMob contro l’azzardo promossa da “The Economy of Francesco” e dal Movimento SlotMob e con il coinvolgimento di molte associazioni e movimenti.

A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now (part II)

Maggio 14th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, WHAT’S ON|

The virus knows no terrestrial boundaries, we have to act to help each other. Otherwise, we might never be able to return to the previous extent of cross-border collaborations for economic and social progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

“The greatest profit that can be made is the common good”

Settembre 22nd, 2020|Vocation and Profit|

It does not matter if one analyzes this relationship of vocation from a person or a company; in any case, the important thing is to transcend. [...] It is to understand that from each vocation, the greatest profit that can be made is the common good.

The Economy of Francesco – Cuba

Settembre 22nd, 2020|Management and Gift, Territori|

“Achieving harmony between the social good and the common good is fundamental. There can be no divorce or the social good prevail over the common good and vice versa. It is complex, not easy but not impossible. Well, here human relationships come to play an essential role, keeping in mind the needs, interests and motivations of each person and groups”.

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