Uno stile di vita ecosostenibile – Il Video del Papa – Settembre 2021
Uno stile di vita eco-sostenibile. Guarda il Video del Papa di settembre 2021.
Uno stile di vita eco-sostenibile. Guarda il Video del Papa di settembre 2021.
In vista della 42esima edizione del meeting di Rimini, dal 20 al 25 agosto 2021, i giovani si mobilitano per una nuova economia. Intervista a Giacomo Ciambotti, moderatore e organizzatore dell'incontro “I GIOVANI PER UNA NUOVA ECONOMIA: DALL’ECONOMY OF FRANCESCO, UN IO IN AZIONE” 20 agosto 2021 - ore 14 - Sala Ravezzi
Inizia la campagna SlotMob The Economy of Francesco: una iniziativa di democrazia economica e protesta civile. Unisciti a noi il prossimo 10 luglio e organizza uno SlotMob nella tua città, sarà inserito nella mappa degli EoF SlotMob!
Sir Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Cambridge, will be the sixth keynote guest speaker at the Economy of Francesco School. In preparation for this lesson, here comes a special dialogue with the Economics of Biodiversity Review team also exploring the synergies between the Dasgupta Review and the main pillars of the Economy of Francesco.
Young people from the Economy of Francesco network will participate in the Dare to Care International Convention which will take place online from 7th to 9th May 2021.
We decided to focus on degradation of agricultural soils and the challenges that farmers, especially young people and women, all over the world live such as access to education, technology and capital to support their fight against soil degradation.
Guided by the call of Pope Francis and Laudato Si, the team Technologies for the Common Good - Business in Transition identified that technology needs to be a force for fraternity, not for the widening of inequalities. They say that ‘ Pacar School seeks to "give soul to the economy", as Pope Francis says.’
Listening, going to meet the other, especially the marginalized. Thus begins the path of collaboration between a group of young Latin Americans and CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Conference).
Di mestiere, produce manufatti di artigianato in cartapesta, terracotta ed altro, spesso proveniente da materiale di riciclo, ma per lui un’opera d’arte non è soltanto lavoro, rappresenta una vocazione ben più grande.
Almost 70 people responded to the invitation of the Global Call on Thursday 11 March, connecting from 24 different countries, representing the life and experiences they are carrying out in places around the globe, as animators of the spirit of EoF, bringing/dropping the global message in their local realities.